RBA Cash Rate: 4.35% · 1AUD = 0.67 USD · Inflation: 4.1%  
Leading Digital Marketing Experts | 1300 235 433 | Aggregation Enquires Welcome | Book Appointment
Example Interest Rates: Home Loan Variable: 5.43% (6.02%*) • Home Loan Fixed: 5.39% (6.09%*) • Fixed: 5.39% (6.09%*) • Variable: 5.43% (6.02%*) • Investment IO: 5.64% (6.42%*) • Investment PI: 5.49% (6.66%*)

Social Hashtag Search


Automated RBA Image, Square Essential

This is one of the dozen different image formats that are automatically created whenever a cash rate decision is made. This particular style is called ‘RBA Square Essentials’. The purpose is to enable a small commentary to accompany the standard information. If you create the image manually in Yabber, all aspects of the template may be customised. Once a cash


Automated RBA Images

This is obviously just an example image. It’s one of about a dozen different image formats that are automatically created whenever a cash rate decision is made. This particular style is called simply ‘RBA Basic’ and it’s the least impressive of all images created by Yabber, but it’s also one we’ve just pushed into our *free* industry website plugin. It’s


Facebook Campaign Performance, January 2024

Important note for clients. Over the last few months we’ve spent a ridiculous amount of time reworking the funnel flows for various types of advertising (we’ve had to cater for the ubiquitous illegal advertising that populates various social platforms). Typical leads off *generic* programs are coming in at around $15 (this includes leads delivered by our free plugin), while funnel-focused


The Matrix, Updated

The Matrix is a system that periodically assesses every known industry website and ranks them in terms of their determined effectiveness and known search authority. Starting last week, and continuing until further notice, the system will update every day. For those that use the system as part of any performance-based program, the results are periodically reviewed and certified by a


Shortt, Version 2.0

Note to clients. We’ve updated the Shortt URL tool in Yabber. It now seamlessly integrates with conditional interests, and the specific user is tracked when the link is used on your website (handy for external websites since external links aren’t tracked in Yabber… yet). As a complete rewrite, the statistics are recorded in the new AI-driven Xena statistics module. Needless


Updated Landing Redirect Options

As part of a significant update to our one-click landing page module, we’ve updated some of the features of our basic landing pages. Until now, when you’ve sent a landing page to your website (normally an entry page), the conditional redirections were always inherited from the form. Effective tomorrow, you may define an alternate group of conditional ‘second-page’ redirects (single


Image Factory Updated

Note to clients. We’ve just updated all the image creation tools in the image factory, so you may experience a few interruptions over the next couple of days while we iron out the bugs Pictured is the basic ‘Square Quote’. The background, text types, fonts, colours, strokes, sizes, attribution details, footer, logo positioning, and so on, are all fully customisable,


Lender Rate Image Email Signature

One of the features of Yabber that is less visible than others is the lender rate email signature. The signature is an image that may be used in an email signature to return the lowest rate of a specific type. Yabber provides links to the direct image and will also create a HTML link for inclusion in your email signature.



Image blurred to remove identifiable watermarks. One of our very early website clients called me this week with concern over the drop in views on one of his websites, noting that he lost a top spot in search results. The website in question was poorly trafficked – about 170 unique visitors each day resolving to around 800 daily page views.


Day 1 of A Saturn Program

There is nothing more inspiring than spending the day with a broker that is leaving his legacy finance life behind and has chosen change. I tried to convert a cafe owner into a mortgage customer as an early demo of ‘how easy it is’, but it turned out she was a 20-year banking executive that was now working as a


Landing Page Updates

Now for clients. As previously advised, the landing page module is offline until Tuesday for a significant update. The module that is most commonly used, and that which is connected to the ‘Solis’ one-click full campaign module, is used more often than any other landing feature, so we’ve built in testimonial features, block content, and some other tools to ensure


Mortgage Comparison Engine Pending Release

From very early next year we’ll be releasing our Comparison API to unrestricted use. Until now, the only groups that were generally using the tool were those ‘testing’ the comparison engine on their website and those ethical leadgen guys that were returning valid results to users (the registered Beta was always available but rarely promoted). After a very lengthy period

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