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Example Interest Rates: Home Loan Variable: 5.43% (6.02%*) • Home Loan Fixed: 5.39% (6.09%*) • Fixed: 5.39% (6.09%*) • Variable: 5.43% (6.02%*) • Investment IO: 5.64% (6.42%*) • Investment PI: 5.49% (6.66%*)

Social Hashtag Search


Shad of the Day, 3rd November 2024 – Mortgage Magnet

Shad of the Day, 3rd November 2024. I’m not going to show you the landing page. It asks a bunch of dumb questions and qualifies me regardless of the nonsense information I provide. Typical ‘Mortgage Magnet’ leadgen finspam. The rate is an unattainable solar rate. The comparson rate (however useless it might be) and disclaimers are required by law, and


How Much a Lever Makes Off Your Home Loan

You’re going to see a string of brokers refer to the linked study for the next week or so. Data will further fuel the war on trail, but please remember that results are consistent with numbers published in ‘The Conversation’ well over a decade ago, and certainly consistent with a study sanctioned by a steering committee I participated in during


The Copycat Macquarie Advert

The company managing the advertising for the group pictured on the right have simply copied Macquarie’s logo, creative, and general formatting. There’s generally no rule against leaning on recognition, but it will always come at the expense of your own brand. It’s always a shame to see such a lazy advertising effort (the copy, landing page, and everything that comes


Instagram Post, 11 October 2024, 9:04 pm

Shad of the Day, 11th October 2024. It’s been a while since I’ve posted a Shad. After the first couple of thousand I started to bore myself with the repetition. However, while we’ve had an impact on dodgy pay-per-lead leadgen, this has shifted many into selling their ‘magic broker flow pipeline accelerator unicorn’ systems, all of which aren’t worth having


SMS Module Updated to V3

This is a note for clients, and it’s important. As per our deprecation schedule, and in line with Telstra’s own retirement timeline, we have ceased all support for V2 of their API and diverted all functionality to V3. This change introduces some significant updates and a large number of improvements. Pictured is the Voicedrop panels which have seen some updates,


Integrating the Microsoft Suite into Yabber

This is a very important note for clients. You’ll be hearing more from us via email as recent and pending Yabber changes will impact everybody. The number of brokers that use more than one CRM, or multiple pieces of software, is quite staggering, and any tool or process that duplicates data will impact productivity and potentially compromises compliance. This has


A Big Weekend

I saw a post on LinkedIn a few weeks back where a broker was celebrating the fact that he was working his weekend in his pyjamas. Each to their own, I guess, but the same weekend was very different for me. Starting on a Saturday morning, I supported four of my brokers and property guys with a seminar in SW


The Purpose of the Streets Module

The single most significant change we’ve introduced to our website framework in the last few years is the inclusion of full-featured Property Listings. The module will make its way out of a lengthy Beta sometime soon and find its way into our standard website and Elementor plugins. The Property module is significant and unique in that the effectiveness of the


Four Hours of Video, 48 Videos on A YouTube Channel

We uploaded videos to a client YouTube channel yesterday, and with a single block of just four hours with us the channel is now full of content and looks fantastic. We’ll chop up the primary video to create a further 100 snippets or so that will eventually find their way onto social channels. Having video on a YouTube channel is


Website Login Module Updated

Note to clients. We’ve updated the authentication system on your website as a result of some partner discussions last week (that moved the goalposts in a very beneficial direction). Yabber manages multiple groups of contacts, such as clients, partners, introducers, referrers, property groups, and so on, and the new system will update session permissions based on user groups and sub-groups.


Bank of Australasia, Chiltern, c1880

The former Chiltern of the Bank of Australasia was designed by Anketell Matthew Henderson of Reed & Barnes Architects and constructed in 1877. The building was a fully operational branch of the Bank of Australasia until 1943 when it closed and became a private residence. The Bank building has also been an Italian Restaurant, the Mulberry Tree Tearooms/B&B and The


A Visit to nMB

Meeting with Terry and Dan from nMB. Always a pleasure hangimg out with these guys. You have to look very hard for people that are more dedicated to their brokers.

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