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Social Hashtag Search


Shad of the Day, 20th July 2023 – Logic Partners

Shad of the Day, 20th July 2023. Insights indexed a large number of ads last night, but it’s this repeat offender that caught my attention because of the licence mismatch on their website (the Matrix system that indexes sites, and Insights that indexes advertising, are now both available via an Open API). The ad is obviously misleading and deceptive, and


Shad of the Day, 17th July 2023, EMBR Group

Shad of the Day, 17th July 2023. Coming from EMBR Group, we identified 16 issues of blatant non-compliance. Quite frankly, it’s just more of the same. Again, I feel the need to remind brokers that their service is awesome, and lying, fake advertising, and deception, isn’t necessary to garnish the attention of your audience. The law was written for very


Shad of the Day, 13th July 2023, Leadify

Shad of the Day, 13th July 2023. This one comes to us from a company rooted in solar leads – Leadify. It was flagged by our AI for the headline-style rates (4%) and ‘You Conditionally Qualify’ text. There’s a large number of obvious infractions that don’t require exposition – it’s just more of the same. Revisiting the RG document: RG178/RG234.156


Shad of the Day, 12th July 2023 – John Kennedy

Shad of the Day, 12th July 2023. This brand comes from John Kennedy of Mortgage Magnet – one of the most non-compliant low-performing products availed to the industy. Branded as ‘Fix My Mortgage’, the fake brand supplements other experiences such as ‘Re-Mortgage’. We’re all entitled to make mistakes, but deliberately deceiving brokers (and, more importantly, lying to consumers) is malfeasance


Shad of the Day, 8th July 2023 – Leadify

This is one of the most deceptive advertising experiences in the mortgage industry. If you use a company called Leadify, they’ve introduced clear and deliberate non-compliance into your operation. Like others that are trying to generate ‘cheap leads’ rather than quality conversion, Leadify’s leadgen is defined by false advertising, non-compliance, baiting, and lies. Leadify make false claims, use invalid rates,


Shad of the Day, 8th July 2023 – Compare Buzz

Today’s Shad is an interesting one. It comes to you by way of the fake ‘Compare Buzz’ brand. The service is operated by BPM Marketing – the same group behind a number of auto and swimming pool leadgen websites. Fronted by Phuwit Robinson (we couldn’t find details of this guy anywhere), they list their addresses as 13 Yarra St .


Instagram Post, 29 June 2023, 7:47 pm

Further to a Shad we posted a couple of days ago, we had a few ‘concerned’ brokers contact us. We took to their experience once again in an effort to identify all areas of malfeasance, and we’ve noted 37 individual infractions that’d land you in trouble. (Pictured is basic evidence of their fake 2000+ 5-Star reviews). We’ve added this group


Shad of the Day, 27th June 2023 – Peter Hill

Today’s Shad comes from ‘Peter Hill’, a fake persona running a fake ‘offshore’ brokerage. We’ve talked about this fake brand before, but continued operation requires an update on their MO. I personally hold the opinion that any broker that engages with any company that operates ‘illegally on their behalf’ should be expelled from the industry. It’s harsh, but surely most


Shads of the Day, 12th June 2023 – Mortgage Magnet and My Local Broker

Shads of the Day, 12th June 2023 – both serial offenders: Mortgage Magnet and My Local Broker. Their lacklustre and deliberately deceptive subscription funnels are so similar we’ve simply grouped them together. The former group is probably one of the lowest performing leadgen charlatans in the country (and seriously, probably the entire Oceanic region), while the latter group (MLB) are


Shad of the Day, 28th May 2023 – Logic Partners

Like a lot of brokers, the experience delivered to LP by their digital representation isn’t just less effective than our free product, it’s also non-compliant for a number of reasons (with the standout attribute being the deliberate dishonesty introduced into the subscription funnel). While there’s a few big-ticket infractions, it’s the indiscriminate ‘You Qualify’ style of message at the end


Shad of the Day, 25th May 2023 – James Davis

Shad of the Day, 25th May 2023. More non-compliant leadgen nonsense. Consumers deserve better. This advert and subscription experience comes to us courtesy of the group that is also responsible for the fake ‘Peter Hill’ ads (and probably others). The persona is fake, as is the website, website reviews, advertising, and results. It’s all a lie. There is not a


Another Shad of the Day, 21st May 2023 – Leadify

Another Shad of the Day, 21st May 2023. A pay-per-lead company called Leadify have consistently and deliberately introduced non-compliance into broker businesses. They’re the perfect model of finspam. Why would any broker build the presence of an illegal brand when it’s so ridiculously easy to introduce a superior and fully-owned customer experience that returns far better customer experiences and conversions?

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