RBA Cash Rate: 4.35% · 1AUD = 0.67 USD · Inflation: 4.1%  
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Example Interest Rates: Home Loan Variable: 5.43% (6.02%*) • Home Loan Fixed: 5.39% (6.09%*) • Fixed: 5.39% (6.09%*) • Variable: 5.43% (6.02%*) • Investment IO: 5.64% (6.42%*) • Investment PI: 5.49% (6.66%*)

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Website Heading Shortcodes Updated

Over the next 48 hours we’re pushing over 60 new features and stylistic updates into our website framework. Some updates are minor while others are significant – the ‘Headings’ module sits on the ‘minor’ side. We’ll share an update on our conditional and fully-integrated ‘Buttons’ module tomorrow. The ‘Buttons’ update is significant, and the feature is one you’ll probably use


Website Form Module Updated

This is an important note for clients. We’ve updated the ‘Formly’ module on your website and in Yabber. We’re migrating all foms manually over the next couple of days, so you might experience some minor disruptions. This major update coincides with the new Trigger and Email Marketing features, but the first step is migrating your forms. There are a large


The Purpose of the Streets Module

The single most significant change we’ve introduced to our website framework in the last few years is the inclusion of full-featured Property Listings. The module will make its way out of a lengthy Beta sometime soon and find its way into our standard website and Elementor plugins. The Property module is significant and unique in that the effectiveness of the


Website Login Module Updated

Note to clients. We’ve updated the authentication system on your website as a result of some partner discussions last week (that moved the goalposts in a very beneficial direction). Yabber manages multiple groups of contacts, such as clients, partners, introducers, referrers, property groups, and so on, and the new system will update session permissions based on user groups and sub-groups.


Address Suggestions in Forms

A note for clients. This is a minor feature, and is one that has existed in our website framework for a long time, but it’s more relevant now as we start to expose additional partner and property features. Our address ‘suggestion’ autocomplete form is a plug-and-play feature. You simply assign an ID to a standard form text field and the


Elementor Forms in Yabber

We provide a large number of forms via Yabber integration, meaning that lead forms, event forms, referral forms, fact find reports, property forms, and others, may all be quickly created and then included on your website in a number of ways (our mortgage broker website supports shortcodes, Elementor drag-and-drop forms, significant automation, form escalation, interest-based rendering, and so on –


Free LoanOptions Website Plugin

LoanOptions.AI are an asset finance company that leverages their technology by making it available to mortgage brokers. Asset finance filters through to LoanOptions, while home loan leads are fed back to brokers. We’ve had a couple of our own brokers partner with the company so we built a standalone WordPress plugin to quickly enable the feature. We have our own


LoanOptions WordPress Plugin

We’ve had a few clients use a system made available from LoanOptions that integrates a form onto broker websites. The default install from LO is quite poor, so we’ve created a WordPress plugin for a plug-and-play experience. There are plenty of bugs in their system, some poor coding, and some compliance issues that we’ll address on our website. Aggregators and


Website and Yabber Titles Module Updated

Around March this year we had a client ask to have default page titles and formatting modified on around 70 pages. The request exposed a weakness in the mortgage broker website architecture that prevented easy (and global) modifications to page titles. Not good. In the latest update to the website marketing framework, we’ve made modifications to the title module that


Testimonials Module Updated

We’ve recently updated the ‘Testimonials’ website and Yabber module, and the changes are significant enough that the feature requires a reintroduction. In a world populated with copious quantities of finspam and fake brokerages, it’s important to validate your business as one that is real and actually exists. Testimonials and reviews provide social proof and tend to shape the early opinion


Yabber and Website Link Blocks Module

In creating the revised version of our Mortgage Broker Website, we’ve had to create various elements that’ll support different types of navigation. Similar to the Related Series module, the feature described in the linked article simply creates a block of styled links in a block or list. Used by a large number of pending Yabber features, such as ‘Titles’ and


New Rate Block

On the back of a recent request from a client, we’ve created a new style of featured panel that’ll return a lender rate textbox that is managed entirely from Yabber (the tool is simplified Yabber version of our our former Rate Textbox). While the former rate panel remains, the new panel is simplistic and arguably more persuasive. The featured rate

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