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Another Shad of the Day, 21st May 2023 – Leadify

Another Shad of the Day, 21st May 2023. A pay-per-lead company called Leadify have consistently and deliberately introduced non-compliance into broker businesses. They’re the perfect model of finspam. Why would any broker build the presence of an illegal brand when it’s so ridiculously easy to introduce a superior and fully-owned customer experience that returns far better customer experiences and conversions?


Shad of the Day, 21st Match 2023 – Mortgage Magnet

The following Shad of the Day (21st May 2023) comes from a mob that inspired us in various ways (I’ll introduce what we did n a moment). The Mortgage Magnet experience is one that is typical of the weekend-educated digital guys, and it’s a good example of deception, false advertising, baiting, and very deliberate non-compliance. No leadgen agency should ever


Another Shad of the Day, 18th May 2023 – My Local Broker

Another Shad for today, 19th May 2023. My Local Broker are a group that’s generally perceived as progressive. Their advertising, however, for as long as I can remember, is misleading, deceptive, and illegal. Keeping in mind that they have improved over time, their ridiculous and business-debilitating quiz purports to provide qualification regardless of the data supplied by the user. In


Shad of the Day, 19th May 2023 – AusMortgages

Another day, another shad. This time, from 19th May 2023. Part of what is clearly an established and illegally operating leadgen crowd, there are a number of very serious violations. (We pick apart crappy and illegal ads every day – sending this post to a few new locations today). 1. Illegally iterating a broker website that provide advice, guidance, or


Make Your Advertising Unique, Compelling, and Amazing

It’s time to recognise those that have demonstrated their extraordinary creativity with these visually distinctive, uniquely positioned, and compelling adverts. The amazing visuals and stunning copy does a fantastic job of positioning you in the market, and they showcase your expertise and service in ‘amazing’ ways. It’s extremely generous to create adverts that takes up social scroll-space, thus assigning industry


Shad of the Day, 11th May 2023, Peter Hill

Shad of the Day, 11th May 2023. Peter Hill’s ads, like many others in the market, are intentionally deceptive. Rather than list reasons this ad is blatantly illegal, you should refer to an article on our website that details financial advertising compliance. The most significant infraction from this experience (one of four big-ticket offences) is the baiting quiz (returns an


Legal Finance Facebook Advertising Explained

The linked article includes around 70 screenshots of illegal broker advertising, and it details the process used by illegal leadgen services. https://www.beliefmedia.com.au/finance-facebook-advertising If you have used services such as Leadify, Karbn, Buy More Leads, BizLeads, Mortgage Magnet, Rowdy Digital, Woo Media, Biz Focused, Swell, ‘James Davis’, and a large array of others, you have objectively introduced non-compliance and what is


Shad of the Day, 1st May 2023

Today’s Shad is the day comes from leadgen charlatans. There’s a certain stupidity in buying (or selling) ‘500+’ leads. However, we’ll do one better: well send your 5000 leads a month or we’ll give your a million dollars (seriously). The point is this: generating leads is a piece of cake. Converting them is where the challenge lies. Would you rather


Just Some Shit Ads

People actually pay for this BS. These ads literally came up within 30-seconds of each other (there’s probably a ton more). The ads are ‘probably’ a mix of leadgen and purchased products – at this point I’ve lost the motivation to check. They’re all trash. All pictired ads are identical. In each case, the ad and backend ‘features’ could be


Shad of the Day, 15th April 2023

Shad of the Day, 15th April 2023. Today’s Shit Ad comes to us from the leadgen crooks behind AussieCompares. Lies, deception, non-compliance, massive breaches of every piece of governing legislation (including Privacy Act 1988), illegal baiting, operating unlicensed, failure to disclose etc. The list must goes on and on. Stop buying leads. Treat your customer first and best interest obligations


Shad of the Day, 13th April 2023

Shad of the Day, 13th April 2022. More of the same illegal, misleading, non-compliant, and baiting advertising. A shameful thought to think there are brokers supporting this abhorrent practice. Forcing the irrelevant questions (associated with a completely unknown and unlicensed entity), delivering a ‘You Qualify’ message, and hiding fake results (on the back of the ‘promise’ of results) behind a


Shad of the Day, 8th April 2023

Shad of the Day, 8th April 2023. More non-compliant leadgen nonsense. Consumers deserve better. This clown has followed our previous advice and adjusted his creative and messaging, but he’s still lying to consumers, and he’s still engaging in false advertising. Honest brokers should be disgusted these charlatans are allowed to continue selling their dodgy leads. To ask personal questions that

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