In the former Growth program we ran for nearly 20 years (and almost exclusively since 2015) we’d place a requirement upon brokers to assist with marketing material. We required that each business we worked with inject their brand and personality into lead magnets, general promotional booklets, videos, podcasts, fact sheets, or any other material that made its way into a marketing experience. In doing so the material became more culturally relevant and personal. The problem: it rarely worked.
Brokers are busy and rarely have the time necessary to create their own material, and aggregators rarely provide what’s required for promotion, so we’ve taken it upon ourselves to manufacture regular generic booklets, lead magnets, and other material so you don’t have to.

Ongoing white-label marketing material drip-fed into your system is regarded by many as the most powerful feature the system provides. As we'll describe over and over, any one module made available within the Yabber Suite more than justifies the low subscription, and this module tends to support that claim.
Video Introduction
Creating White Label Content
Creating your fully-branded marketing material is easy. From our unbranded ‘Library’ menu you simply select ‘Create eBook’ and scroll through the available document resources. Preview the booklet and click ‘Create eBook’.
The process to manufacture branded content takes no more than a few seconds.
For a lot of brokers the white label marketing material is the primary service that’ll draw them to Yabber because the content alone delivered over just a few months more than justifies any fee that applies.
While the white-label feature primarily applies to PDF documents, the facility to brand videos and audio is forthcoming. The pages necessary to create videos and one-click webinars are shown in Yabber but the tool is only shown to test users.
Your Library
Any document created will immediately be available as a trackable and shareable document from within your Media Library, and comprehensive download statistics are returned for each interaction.
Pictured: Every document you upload (mainly PDF and ZIP files) are immediately made available in your document library. Documents are categorised by PDF, video, podcast, and webinar (the video and audio categories are reserved for a core module we’re releasing in the second half of 2021).
Any media that is created from the white-label system it is immediately available in applicable select menus on other areas of Yabber (including in email options as an attachment).
Website and Landing Page Integration
All downloads are available from within your website as a drag-and-drop Elementor download block, or you may optionally use a simple shortcode. Both options return a stylised download box. Obviously, you may simply use the download link from anywhere (fully tracked by user and linked to Download Triggers, or course).
Pictured: The stylised 'Download Box' is just one of many ways in which to include downloads on your website. All documents added as a link to your website are fully tracked and integrated with the trigger system. It is more common to include downloads as a standalone resource or via a button.
Pictured: Any documents you upload yourself into the version controlled document management system, or any document you white-label via the Document Creation tool, is made available in email options as an attachment (the image above shows the option for the 'First' and 'Second' email - an optional form-specific email tool). The system will currently only send documents less than 2MB in size (otherwise they should be included as a trackable link).
When a new white-label document is created you will also have access to a library of various 3D renderings for use on your website or elsewhere. The lead magnet immediately becomes available to you when creating one-click landing pages (or via the Elementor Landing Page Block).
Pictured: The landing page one-click creation system requires that you simply select a form and a lead magnet (as created or uploaded by you). The simple two-select-menu option makes the creation of landing page a literal one-second process.
Downloads are made available elsewhere in Yabber whenever and wherever they're required.
Yabber's White-Label system is the first of its kind in the industry. Although we applaud the efforts or aggregator groups in providing material, we object in a small way to the manner in which it's branded. Brokers should have fully-owned resources that reflect their own brand and identity.
Certainly, as far as a marketing funnel is concerned, you'll want to provide an education journey that satisfies the hunger of your lead and feeds them with all the information necessary to make an informed decision... and our marketing material provides these resources. A funnel isn't a sell, and you certainly shouldn't be contacting people without offering them something first... and our library makes this an easy process.
There will be no end to the amount of content we feed into the system. Catering for time-limited grants and offers, but also tackling bigger finance and property issues, we expect to provide complete coverage of all finance information.