RBA Cash Rate: 4.35% · 1AUD = 0.67 USD · Inflation: 4.1%  
Leading Digital Marketing Experts | 1300 235 433 | Aggregation Enquires Welcome | Book Appointment
Example Interest Rates: Home Loan Variable: 5.43% (6.02%*) • Home Loan Fixed: 5.39% (6.09%*) • Fixed: 5.39% (6.09%*) • Variable: 5.43% (6.02%*) • Investment IO: 5.64% (6.42%*) • Investment PI: 5.49% (6.66%*)

The Aggregator Advantage Marketing Suite

The Aggregator Advantage Marketing Suite

Aggregators were introduced at a time when banking fintech software systems didn't exist to support brokers directly. Banks would (and still do) simply pay aggregators and they’d be responsible for the distribution of funds. The space is evolving in such a way that the aggregation model has begun to change; software systems are more advanced and the core aggregation functionality could quite easy be inherited directly by the banks with a significant saving. We've been part of these discussions in the past so while it might seem a few years off yet, there’s a good change the model will undergo a major change sooner than later. This changing banking landscape places a burden on aggregators to provide services outside the scope of their core and traditional responsibilities, and this is most relevant in two areas: support and marketing.

We have a deep respect and appreciation for the excellent support aggregation groups provide their brokers, but we also understand that many group resources are strained when providing digital support, and few have the marketing systems necessary to provide anything other than the core essentials. We understand that it is difficult and costly to manage a fully functional marketing department when it's essentially outside the scope of expected responsibilities, and that's where we come it; BeliefMedia is essentially a turnkey marketing department that delivers better results.

Belief's marketing suite offers aggregator groups a distinct advantage by providing the highest level of agile marketing functionality the industry has to offer for a fraction of the cost of in-house management.

Our typical aggregator products include – but are far from limited to - the following:

  1. Full access to Platform marketing modules for each broker.
  2. Dedicated phone number support (answered as your business “marketing support”)
  3. Content generation specific to your business (articles, videos, booklets etc.).
  4. A low monthly subscription cost.
  5. Attendance at training and development days.
  6. Regular aggregator-specific webinars.
  7. Fully compliant systems.
  8. Assistance with partnership and referral programs (in addition to the EDGE post-settlement system). The core system provides self-branded access to PartnerDashboard.com.au.
  9. Aggregator and business-branded social media management and marketing material.
  10. Automated Facebook programs specific to aggregation parameters.
  11. Aggregator-level training incorporated into BeLearn (online learning module).
  12. Managed RBA emails and SMS Messages, and Newsletters specific to an aggregator.
  13. All the features and modules of our Marketing platform.
  14. Fully integrated telecommunication solutions (including phone records/transcripts to CRM systems).
  15. Full social media management.
  16. In some cases we provide call attendants for missed calls, and conduct local processing duties.
  17. Full complimentary websites (including automatic article submission), website hosting, and website management). The website delivers an AI-enhanced conditional and escalating set of features that simply returns more business. All brokers also receive an equipment finance website, and some brokers will qualify for a complimentary comparison website. All brokers have access to the suite of website made available via our Satellite program.
  18. In some cases we manage your video production which can be branded and distributed by your brokers.

Yabber is the only marketing platform in the industry that provides compliant landing pages and full compliant marketing Funnel experiences with the single click of a button (or, in the case of larger groups, the same experience on multiple websites). Because our marketing product is the only fully integrated product on the market (we never, ever engage in the reckless conduct of hosting landing pages or other marketing assets on somebody else's website), we are also the only company that provides a fully-integrated, full-stack, conditional and escalating feature-set that will return more business to your clients - we absolutely guarantee it.

Libraries of various content - such as documents, videos, and social media - may be established to supplement our own collections, and all assets are made available for one-click branding and insertion into a user-specific download manager, or to be scheduled for social media.

Social media marketing assets may be broadly distributed to hundreds of websites at the click of a button (this includes forcing the updating of website videos, entry call-to-action messages, rate changes, and so on). In fact, mass-sending to social media includes various branding options via image watermarks and text placeholders.

If a specific features requires updating on your army of broker websites, and we don't provide that feature, we generally provide a 24-hour turnaround on implementing specific functionality. To be clear: this is self-hosted website owned, managed, and operated by the broker, but the system facilitates the updating of numerous online resources when and if required.

The Aggregator Advantage Results

Belief can usually triple the volume of a broker in a very short time, and with an assigned and consistent budget these results are usually far higher. While the results are yet to be tested in the top-end of the aggregation environment the outcomes we've enjoyed for over 20 years shouldn't vary in a significant way. We're confident that any broker that participates in our programs in a serious way might expect 300-500% organic business growth over the course of 12-months (much higher with paid promotion).

Rationalised IT & Telco Support

Microsoft Software

We still see brokers using Gmail and Hotmail for their primary client communications. Other than the fact it's against best IT practices to use pedestrian consumer-facing email addresses, and potentially a non-compliant practice, it simply degrades trust in a business.

The usage of Microsoft licences in bulk with managed support provides aggregation with the knowledge that their brokers are adhering to best-practice, representing themselves in an appropriate way, and there’s consistency in how internal communication can be managed. Using a single tenant also means the potential integration of Microsoft Teams which enables very high-level participation, discussions, and webinars. An aggregator can put to rest the mashup of third-party conferencing tools and instead navigate their way into an enterprise level product that is already part of a default Office subscription.

In adding an Office subscription to the core aggregation product – thus providing email, domain DNS, and accessibility to the massive suite of tools and cloud storage made available via that subscription – it assigns clear, tangible, and immediate value to the aggregator. Better still is that the aggregator has access to logs for auditing requirements, statistics, and the deep metadata made available programmatically through the Microsoft API. The overarching mechanics of something as simple as a rationalised approach to software (which brokers are or should be using) forms part of a broad compliance library.

Managed Telecommunications

BeliefMedia built Jabber on the back of our clients asking for the service (in addition to our own bad Telco experiences). Telecommunications is the backbone of any business yet few aggregators inject themselves into the space. Of course, communications is integral to the marketing funnel journey and business process, and the tools absolutely shouldn’t be ignored when making attempts to assess the success of various campaigns.

We have the capacity to assign and host 1300, 1800, 13, virtual mobile, and all Australian (and some international) numbers. The systems are designed via a PABX-style system (mPBX, or Mobile Private Branch Exchange) which provides all the standard Jabber features, but it also provides an internal network for standard phone calls, video calls, and teleconferencing.

Belief provides a programmatic interface which records all calls and transactions, provides marketing communication relief via triggers (such as missed call to SMS trigger), and can quickly deploy custom integrations when required via our own in-house team.

With the changing face of compliance, and the expectations placed upon individual brokers to comply with piles of legislation (including, of course, our Best Interest Duty), we’ve developed a system to record phone calls and voicemails which can be synced to OneDrive (part of an Microsoft 365 Subscription), uploaded to various CRM systems as tasks or notes, and transcripts can be made in cases where it’s required.

Our entire Telco systems are designed around providing brokers with a compliant communications backbone.

Belief’s Marketing & IT Support

Our phone support is managed only by those with an exceptional marketing background. Additionally, all phone support must be provided by those that have seen success as a broker (and hold or have held qualifications), and all must also be qualified real-estate agents.

A marketing agency should never introduce non-compliance into a business so we’ve taken extraordinary steps to ensure our team is the best in the industry.

Aggregator Advantage BeLearn

Part of the aggregator advantage product includes the backend facility to support your brokers with your own educational material in a compliant manner. The backend administration facility is fully integrated so all the videos and supported reading material is made available via simple select menus. In fact, the integrated nature of the system means your videos and other marketing material will always be available to you from within BeLearn administration panels (no duplication, copying, pasting, or time-wasting).

Comprehensive user tracking for compliance purposes is supported out-of-the-box. This includes page-views, user analytics, video heatmaps, user actions, and so on (with all metrics available from custom analytics screens).

Optional quizzes or testing may be applied to each lesson, or an entire module.

Aggregator Advantage Cost

Aggregator Advantage pricing is predicated on the number of participants in the program. The tiered scale obviously provides for less-expensive up-front fees, and lower ongoing costs usually apply after the first 12-months.

You will not find a more comprehensive or more effective digital and marketing program anywhere in the finance industry – this includes those existing services provided at the aggregator/sub-aggregation level. Keep in mind that the features described above represent a very small portion of those volume-building systems that we make available as part of the Yabber Suite Tag: yabber.

Aggregator-level clients enjoy a dedicated and live webinar-based training series.

More Information?

We’re more than happy to present at development or training days at no cost so you’re able to gauge interest levels. Additionally, we're happy to run pilot programs at a reduced cost with smaller groups of brokers. Either way, you will see results immediately.

If you would like more information, you should call Martin or Domenico on 1300 235 433 (1300 BELIEF).

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