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Example Interest Rates: Home Loan Variable: 5.38% (6.14%*) • Home Loan Fixed: 5.39% (6.67%*) • Fixed: 5.39% (6.67%*) • Variable: 5.38% (6.14%*) • Investment IO: 5.69% (6.52%*) • Investment PI: 5.49% (5.98%*)

How to Whitelist an IP Address in Order to Access Your Website

In January of 2025 we introduced new strict security protocols to further protect your website resources and data. This update now requires that any IP used to access various resource must be whitelisted before those resources are accessed. If a resource (such as a website login) is accessed before the IP is whitelisted, your IP address will be banned. Once an IP is banned, it may only be whitelisted by us (this is so we can determine why the IP was initially whitelisted, and it prevents users whitelisting malicious addresses).

Abuse API: The Abuse system is part of the Malware module, and the latter may be reviewed in a blog article titled "How to Use the Abuse and Malware API", while information on the Abuse module may be references in an article title "We’ve Update the Malware API to Identify Real-Time Abuse".

Website Access: An article titled "Enable and Disable Website Access in Yabber" details how to temporarily unlock your website for the purposes of a login. We may or may not include the 'IP Whitelist' functionality as part of that system, so opening up your website will also whitelist your IP. That information will be shown in Yabber if and when it is introduced.

While security might appear extreme, the methods were introduced to protect the integrity of your data and systems. The banning of IP addresses is aggressive and unforgiving.

  Locating the Whitelist Security Panel

To locate the Whitelist panel, navigate to the 'Website' module, then select the small padlock icon to the right of the submenu. Select it and the applicable panels will be returned. THe entry panel returns the small form to unlock your website for editing.

Whitelist IP Navigation

  Pictured: To locate the Whitelist panel, navigate to the 'Website' module, then select the small padlock icon to the right of the submenu. Select it and the applicable panels will be returned. THe entry panel returns the small form to unlock your website for editing.

We'll look at how to whitelist an IP address of host.

  How to Whitelist an IP Address or Host

Select the IP Address panel. An option is returned to enter an IP address and provide a reason for the whitelist. Your current IP address is shown in the text field by default. Enter the applicable details and 'Save'.

Whitelist IP Address

  Pictured: Select the IP Address panel. An option is returned to enter an IP address and provide a reason for the whitelist. Your current IP address is shown in the text field by default. Enter the applicable details and 'Save'.

To whitelist an entire host, such as Google.com, that resolves a number of IP addresses, enter it via the 'Hosts' panel. Enter the Host and description, and 'Save'.

Whitelist Host

  Pictured: To whitelist an entire host, such as Google.com, that resolves a number of IP addresses, enter it via the 'Hosts' panel. Enter the Host and description, and 'Save'.

Entering a host data carries a small delay before it is applied to the process that manages inbound traffic, so it may take a while before any host is whitelisted.


It is important you whitelist an IP address before using it for administrative purposes. If you make an attempt to log into your website via an unrecognised address you will be blocked.

The Abuse system system is undergoing constant updates, so please advise if you identify any errors.

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