The Yabber modal options made available on your website are extremely extensive. This FAQ merely provides a fairly broad modal overview that will direct you to an appropriate resource based on the type of modal feature you would like on your website.
What is a Modal?
A modal is just a popup. Click on this demo link (the bolding is ours, and the icon is applied automatically). A modal will be returned. A modal is a popup applied on a direct link, although usage is normally assigned to one of the following systems (the list is non-exhaustive):
- General Content Modals. General Modal content served on a mouse click.
- Full Screen Modals. Returns full-screen modal content.
- Geographic Modals. Serves content on the basis of geography (First Home Buyers).
- Entry Modals. Shown after a defined number of seconds on your website.
- Exit Intent Modals. Shown to a user when they show intent to leave a page.
- Video Modals and Image Modals. Popup media modals.
- Lender Modals. Modals assigned to specific lenders or specific groups of lenders.
- Archive Modals. Modals assigned to specific lenders or other archive pages.
In the series of Modal FAQSs we'll introduce condition elements and modal interaction statistics, and how modals might trigger other events, such as a user email or SMS. As you'll come to understand, our system isn't your standard pedestrian solution - they're incredibly powerful and effective.
Modals in the Funnel
The idea is to use modals when you have a genuine message that'll escalate a client, or when we're required to course-correct or manufacture user pathways or actions. Quite frankly, despite being of the most annoying website features, modals are also incredibly powerful. They will objectively improve on page performance wherever they're used.
Modals in the Funnel: This FAQ isn't designed to give you guidance on how or when a modal should be used, but it's worth having a basic understanding. You'll often see us use modals on landing pages in order to escalate a user hen a preferred action isn't or wasn't taken, such as a download, subscription, or form interaction. The bounce rate we have on our first entry page is often as a result of relevance (or lack thereof). A modal when exit intent is identified might return additional navigation options, or show an offer or message. We must make every attempt to ensure that paid or organically derived traffic does not leave our website without exposure to escalated conversion assets - modals form part of this digital defensive shield. Our webinars, tutorial and funnel FAQs, and other campaign-related material will details how Modals are used strategically in the real world.
Modals is a Big Topic: Modals may also be applied to images, videos of all types, general content, splash screens, and so on. We use them extensively. The Modal module in Yabber, however, is a standalone conditional system. Refer the 'Related FAQs' for a better understanding of the broader Modal architecture.
Every modal simply shown on your website is tracked, as are the engagements with that modal. This permits you to track the effectiveness of modals and apply alterations if higher-converting or more relevant methods are identified. When used as part of advanced funnel-based and follow-up campaigns, engagement in a modal might action triggers.
Statistics and Triggers
You won't ever have to wonder if your modals are performing as expected - we record full usage and conversion statistics so you're able to form a definitive opinion on how the asset should be used. Further, we apply optional triggers to the user level, Clicking a modal, for example, might send a text message, email, or create a task. The system is extensive.
Most Powerful System in the Industry
The modal system we've developed includes tracking, analytics, triggers, and a lender-specific focus that is unmatched in terms of power, effectiveness, and sophistication anywhere in the industry. Ensure you make the most of the system and integrate it cleverly with your funnel campaigns.
Ready to Create Your First Modal?
TH easiest way of wrapping your head around the modal system is to create a simple modal and then create a sample link. Once you've created a few modals you might start thinking about how they might serve a funnel-focused purpose on your website. Create your first modal now.
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Related Modal FAQs
Website Modals are a big topic, and your website includes dozens of modal features. The following FAQs should be referenced for various Modal tools.
Your website includes a very large number of methods to include different types of headings, including Titles and Statements (both of which serve a specific purpose), with other shortcode and Elementor tools making the addition of various 'headings' a piece of cake. While there are any number of ways to generate page titles,… [ Learn More ]
The trigger system in Yabber is detailed in an FAQ titled "How To Create Marketing Triggers". It details how to create email, website, webpage, video and range of other triggers within your marketing funnel. Yabber - supported by a conditional framework that is ridiculously powerful - might be considered a Trigger-focused marketing system… [ Learn More ]
An inline frame (iframe) is a HTML element that loads another HTML page within the document. It essentially puts another webpage within the parent page. The modal link we're about to describe loads a very simple modal and then loads the content of another page within that iframe. Because it's a feature that's rarely used,… [ Learn More ]
in a previous FAQ we introduced how to include calculators on a page with Elementor or Shortcode. The problem is that they don't look real good. As part of the linking architecture, the [link]
shortcode provides for a fully trackable popup modal, meaning that you can include multiple calculator links on a single page.… [ Learn More ]
In this FAQ we'll provide the basic shortcode necessary to return a video modal to your page. There are two methods for returning a video modal: a Yabber modal, and a full screen modal, with the former preferred because it is fully tracked and integrated with the Conditional Framework.
Modal Module Overview:
Your website… [ Learn More ]In an FAQ titled How to Define and Send Lender-Specific Videos for the Lenders Archive and Product Pages we looked at how to assign videos to the Lender Product Archive and Pages on your website. Familiarity with the former module is required, as this FAQ will simply show you how to link directly… [ Learn More ]
Your website modal module is the most sophisticated in the industry, and one of the most powerful systems created for any industry. A large number of FAQs reference how the modal system functions, with most of the functionality focused on entry and exit modals, with the modal resolved by your preference, interest or resolved borrowing… [ Learn More ]
The Modal Module made available in Yabber is an incredibly powerful feature that provides enormous flexibility in how and when we interrupt the funnel in order to provide appropriate course correction. The system is supplemented by a linking feature that permits you to link directly to any modal manicured within the system. In order to… [ Learn More ]
Lender Modals are popups shown based on the lender pages on your website. Each lender is assigned to a 'Lender Group' with a group consisting of a single lender or multiple lenders, and the defined modal will show when a user visits the specific lender archive product pages on your website. A default lender… [ Learn More ]
In a previous FAQ we look at how to create and manage "Entry and Exit Intent Modals" for Your Entire Website or a Single Page. The system defined modals that will shown on your website after a defined number of seconds, or when the user indicates intent to leave the page. In this FAQ… [ Learn More ]
This FAQ will details how to use the standard Entry and Exit modals on your website. The Modal module is quite large and includes a number of options designed specifically for the finance industry, so what we're dealing with here is how to create and maintain the 'standard' entry and exit modal as it applies… [ Learn More ]
An FAQ titled "The Website Modal Overview" introduces the modal module in Yabber and on your website. This FAQ will show you how to create a standard and full screen modal, while other FAQs will discuss how the modal system functions in more advanced funnel-centric ways. The most basic way to reference a modal… [ Learn More ]
The Yabber modal options made available on your website are extremely extensive. This FAQ merely provides a fairly broad modal overview that will direct you to an appropriate resource based on the type of modal feature you would like on your website.
What is a Modal?
A modal is just a popup. Click on
Your Media Library will invariably populate itself with PDF documents 0 not entirely ideal for website viewing. The PDF Modal, however, presents the opportunity to share our PDF material in a unique way, track it, and action triggers on the basis of a user interacting with the asset (although the latter is quite advanced). You… [ Learn More ]