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How to Use UTM and Supported Website Analytics Tracking Tags in URLs (and Email Marketing)

UTM and Tracking tags are applied in a URL for the purpose of tracking links and campaigns sources. This FAQ will not take a deep dive into what URL tracking parameters are or how they're used. Instead, we'll primarily look at supported Yabber tracking tags (the word 'supported' is somewhat of a misnomer because all URL tracking tags are 'supported', but some are integrated more deeply into Yabber's Xena statistical engine). An article on our website titled "UTM Tags and Tracking Social Media Campaigns" should be referenced for a broader understanding of how tracking parameters are used. The primary purpose of this FAQ is to detail what tags are considered 'Tier 1', or what tags are integrated with trigger systems and advanced analytics.

Advanced Users: This FAQ introduces reasonably advanced concepts, so the article can safely be ignored. If you read no further, understand that advanced tracking features are applied to links and URLs automatically in all modules.

The use of UTM and URL tracking tags should generally be considered an advanced feature. In most cases, general UTM tags are applied to various links automatically and do not require any consideration (footer and header links being a good example). However, if you're using external software, email systems, or you're tracking inbound links from third-parties, you may have to build a URL yourself with basic tracking data.

BMID: The article on UTM tracking tags referenced above details to the "... the old and now semi-retired BMID", although the BMID was introduced back into the Xena statistical engine so continues to play an important part in standard and shor.tt link creation. The BMID is reintroduced in an FAQ titled "How to Use the BMID When Tracking Links".

Website LinksLinks created within our standard website framework should generally (and preferably) be constructed with our advanced link shortcode. This shortcode routes the link through Yabber for statistical reporting purposes and carries a large amount of information with each request. The shortcode also permits the use of link triggers. Shortcode attributes may be used in link shortcode - including UTM and other campaign tags - but they're usually not required. The linking shortcode is extensive, and a large number of related articles are provided at the bottom of this article.

Sendify: Our updated Sendify Social Media module will automatically apply UTM and other tracking tags to inbound links. This - in company with referrer and other data - allows us to measure the success of the same link sent to multiple social media platforms. For example, a link included in Instagratify will be created differently for Facebook and LinkedIn, thus allowing Xena to measure the performance of the UTL on each distinct platform.

Email Marketing Module: The BM Email Marketing Modules supports a large number of tags and 'find and replace' functionality. Our system is quite extensive and compares favourably with high-priced commercial systems (and it's integrated with Microsoft 365 giving it a compliance edge). UTM and other tracking tags in any email marketing campaign are created automatically for uniformity and simplicity.

Shor.tt: Our Shor.tt truncation module fully supports URL parameters in the manner described on this page. When a short URL is created and no tracking tags are present, those tags are automatically added (or appended) so that Yabber statistics reflects the source of traffic. While a standalone module, Shor.tt is fully integrated with Yabber.

  A Brief Recap on UTM Tags

Standard UTM parameters are shown below. Note that while we provide examples of usage, there's no hard rule for how UTM parameters should be used, except that the tags should generally be hierarchical in design.


utm_source is used to identify a search engine, newsletter name, or other source. In our case, and when automatically applied, Yabber will generally add a utm_source of 'yabber', 'vista', 'instagratify', 'bm_managed', or something else to identify the system used to generate a message.


Use utm_medium to identify a medium such as email, social, blog post, QR Code, or cost-per-click reference.


Used for keyword analysis. Use utm_campaign to identify a specific product promotion or strategic campaign.


The utm_term is often Used for paid search to note the keywords for this ad.


This field is often used for A/B (split) testing and content-targeted ads. You might use utm_content to differentiate ads or links that point to the same URL. Many will use a phrase that differentiate similar content on the same page, such as unique call to actions or buttons.

A typical URL with UTM parameters included might look as follows:


From our article on UTM Tags, we noted that we've used just three of the standard UTM tags in our URL example: utm_campaign, utm_medium, and utm_source. It's the values associated with each of these URL parameters that is recorded within Xena and made available in Triggerly (the Trigger Module).

UTM tags are an industry standard. They're used as a 'default' by Google and about every other email system on the planet.

  Primary URL Tracking Parameters

A number of email providers (including us) use custom URL tracking tags for various purposes. While all URL parameters are recorded, only vetted parameters may be used for use in the Triggerly module, and these URL parameters are listed below. The list shown below is dynamically sourced from the Xena database, so as new URL parameters are added they will be shown in the result.

Xena API: if you're using our Statistics API, the same data is returned with the xena_social_cid_types action grouped by category and in a flat array.

wemail - Wistia Email, Injected into Video.
UTM Tracking
utm_campaign - UTM Campaign
utm_region - UTM Region
utm_campaign_id - UTM Campaign ID
utm_target - UTM Target
utm_source - UTM Source
utm_date - UTM Date
utm_content - UTM Content
utm_device - UTM Device
utm_source_id - UTM Source ID
utm_offer - UTM Offier
utm_medium - UTM Medium
utm_time - UTM Time
utm_term - UTM Term
utm_version - UTM Version
utm_medium_id - UTM Medium ID
utm_variant - UTM Variant
Social General
ad_id - Facebook AD ID
mscklid - Microsoft Click Identifier
gclid - Google Click Identifier
category_id - Category ID, FB
fbclid - Facebook Click Identifier
gclsrc - Google Click Source
lead_source - Lead Source - FB et al
zanpid - Zanox Click Identifier
dclid - DoubleClick Click Identifier
mc_eid - MailChimp Email ID
mc_cid - MailChimp Campaign ID
e - Mailchimp Email Recipient
clickid - Click ID
medium - Medium
click_subid - Click Sub ID
click_country - Click Country
date - Date
cpid - Campaign ID
click_medium - Click Medium
click_cpid - Click Campaign ID
click_device - Click Device
refID - Reference ID
referrer - Referrer
src - Source
click_content - Click Content
click_url - Click URL
click_language - Click Language
phone - Phone Number
channel - Campaign Channel Parameter
affid - Affiliate ID
campaignid - Campaign ID
click_affid - Click Affiliate ID
click_region - Click Region
eid - Event ID
time - Time
ref - Referrer Parameter
clickref - Click Reference
click_campaign - Click Campaign
click_clickid - Click Click ID
click_browser - Click Browser
tracking - General Tracking
trk - Tracking Parameter
subid - Sub ID
source - Source
click_channel - Click Channel
click_ip - Click IP
sendID - Send ID
partnerid - Partner ID
click_source - Click Source
click_partnerid - Click Partner ID
click_city - Click City
action - Action
type - Type ID
cmpid - Campaign ID
click_term - Click Term
click_ref - Click Referrer
click_os - Click Operating System
email - Email Address
sourceid - Source ID
bmeid - BM Email ID
bmid - BM ID
bmcid - BM Campaign ID
link_id - BM Link ID
partner_id - BM Partner ID
email_id - BM Email ID
bmlid - BM Link ID
campaign_id - BM Campaign ID
apm - ActivePipe Message ID
apz - ActivePipe Zone
apf - ActivePipe Flag
apb - ActivePipe Behavior
apv - ActivePipe Version ID
apd - ActivePipe Date
apc - ActivePipe Campaign ID
apa - ActivePipe Action
apu - ActivePipe User ID
apn - ActivePipe Note

As mentioned earlier, any value assigned to a URL parameter has invalid characters removed, is converted to lower-case, truncated if ridiculously long, and is slugified if required. This methods ensures consistency and prevents invalid requests.

  Website URL Parameters

A large number of URL parameters are managed on your website and don't necessarily impact the statistical engine. You'll see parameters such as bmx and others pop up from time-to-time, and we use a large number of geographic tags within various modules, such as street, suburb, state etc.

  UTM Tags in Facebook Campaigns

When creating Facebook ads you will have the option of applying UTM tags, and we highly recommend you assign tags that are consistent with the specific ad you're creating. This action removes the reliance on Facebook statistics and provides additional trigger options within Yabber.

There are times where a URL is required within your ad copy. In these cases, we recommend you create a truncated shor.tt link (either with full tags or a BMID). Do not use bit.ly or other third-party services - ensure you use shor.tt for quality control and full statistical integration.

Shor.tt and the BMID: The Shor.tt URL module is related only in that the system creates a URM tracking string by default (if not supplied). Read more about creating a trackable Shor.tt URL in an article titled "How to Create a Shor.tt URL on Your Website or in Yabber". The BMID (a tool to compress all tags into a single slug) is introduced in an article titled "How to Use the BMID When Tracking Links". These features are connected to the tracking module and often used in Facebook (or other) campaigns. In some cases, such as sending links to Twitter via the Sendify module, links are generally truncated with Shor.tt by default with appropriate UTM tracking tags automatically applied.

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  Email Marketing Module FAQs

FAQs related to the Email Marketing module.

In a previous FAQ we look at the various parameters that could be passed in a URL for the purpose of tracking links. While all URL parameters are tracked in some way, those listed are considered primary within the Xena Analytics module in that they are intrinsically linked to the Triggerly module. One of… [ Learn More ]

UTM and Tracking tags are applied in a URL for the purpose of tracking links and campaigns sources. This FAQ will not take a deep dive into what URL tracking parameters are or how they're used. Instead, we'll primarily look at supported Yabber tracking tags (the word 'supported' is somewhat of a misnomer because all… [ Learn More ]

In the Formly FAQ where we detailed how to create a subscription form, we introduced the concept of placeholders, or those pieces of text that are dynamically replaced with another piece of text when an email is sent. This simple feature allows you to use templated designs with dynamic user content. While the amount of… [ Learn More ]

Microsoft Contact Folders aren't as relevant as they once were, and the 'new' (2024) versions of Outlook will categorise contacts with 'Categories' rather than folders, although folders are still made available even if they're not part of the standard Outlook interface. Yabber will still require that a contact folder be applied from time-to-time, although they're… [ Learn More ]

Calendars play an important role on your website and in Yabber. They are used for form-related functions, social media, events, and general scheduling. While Yabber makes an attempt to keep your calendars up-to-date, there will occasionally be a need to create or update a calendar, synchronise a calendar, or delete a calendar. This FAQ describes… [ Learn More ]

In various FAQs we introduce the concept of a 'Dynamic Email Signature', or a signature that references engaging up-to-date information of a specific type. We know that every touchpoint should create engagement of some type, and email is used daily so it stands to reason that we'll use the tool to manufacture various pathways. The… [ Learn More ]

One of the features of Yabber that is less visible than others is the lender rate email signature. The signature is an image that may be used in an email signature to return the lowest rate of a specific type. Yabber provides links to the direct image and will also create a HTML link for… [ Learn More ]

The facility to add an email or any other type of subscriber to a Microsoft Contact folder was introduced in the FAQ on creating a form. The purpose of adding a contact to segregated Microsoft Outlook contact folder is more than just 'providing a backup' as many see it. The lists are used when… [ Learn More ]

When a user unsubscribes from an email marketing campaign, we have the option to redirect them to a single default landing page, or a specific landing page that'll try and resubscribe the user back into the same or another list. We go to great lengths to attract a potential client, so we must provide a… [ Learn More ]

Email filtering is part of the Forms module. When creating a form you are presented with an option to define a large number of "What are you Interested in?" options. These options might include 'First Home Buyer', 'Refinancing', 'Renovating My Home', 'Investment Finance', and so on. A user may select any of these options when… [ Learn More ]

When you are first assigned a Yabber subscription, there are no Mailing Lists or forms created. However, before you create your first list you have the option of creating a large number of default email lists. If we set up Yabber for you, this is our default action. If you set up your own account… [ Learn More ]

Before email and calendar tools may be used, we generally have to define our default email and calendar for various facilities. This action is normally completed by us during the setup, but if you're doing it yourself, or you are required to alter values, this FAQ will guide you through the process. It will only… [ Learn More ]

An Admin Email is an email that is referenced within other areas of Yabber, such as EDGE, Fact Find Reports, Referrals, and Triggers. Instead of creating a single email, we create the email as a template that we may use from multiple locations, meaning that if an update to the message is required, it need… [ Learn More ]

As described in our FAQ detailing the Email Marketing Module, one of the benefits of using the Microsoft 365 integration is complete ownership of all your email with a single source of sending and management. All email sent from Yabber will optionally be added to your MS365 'Sent Items' folder. To include or exclude… [ Learn More ]

Whenever an email is created in Yabber that is associated with general email marketing or automated emails (admin, autoresponders etc.), an email signature is selected from a Library of signatures. This means that when a change to your signature is required, the change will be globally applied whenever that email signature is referenced. In some… [ Learn More ]

  Related FAQs

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