There are times when you would like a form to take shape as a single line. This may be useful in a website footer, inline in content, or in other locations, and the format is very different to the default line-by-line format that is applied by default for vertical forms and Simple Panels
. In this FAQ we'll look at how to render a single line form to your website. It's assumed that you have reviewed and created the FAQ on How to Create a Website Lead Form and Assign Automation. The format isn't standard or commonly used.
The Result
The result of the single line form might look as follows:
Pictured: The single line form returns the name, email, and submit button in a single line. The format isn't standard or commonly used.
Working Example: An example of the single line form on a modified client website is shown here . It's not something that we'd normally advocate, and we can only assume is converts in low numbers, but the implied expertise associated with the basic form was important to the client. The form is shown without calendar options.
Note that the form still includes the calendar booking options (if assigned to the form), and these fields are returned in a stacked format (with the exception of the date and time options which are usually shown side-by-side).
Pictured: Note that the form still includes the calendar booking options (if assigned to the form), and these fields are returned in a stacked format (with the exception of the date and time options which are usually shown side-by-side).
On mobile devices, the form is stacked to emulate the standard form format.
Pictured: On mobile devices, the form is stacked to emulate the standard form format. The format of the calendar dropdown options is rendered in the standard format.
The form may be rendered with shortcode or via the applicable Elementor widget.
Single Line Form With Shortcode
A number of shortcode options are applied to Formly forms, but we'll only include the single line option. The shortcode of [formly form="my_form_id" single_line="yes"]
will return the single line form to your page.
Single Line Form With Elementor
The preferred and typical way in which to render the single line form is via the Elementor widget. The 'Location Forms' widget is now the default way of returning a form to any page, so we'll select that widget and drag it onto our page.
Pictured: The preferred and typical way in which to render the single line form is via the Elementor widget. The 'Location Forms' widget is now the default way of returning a form to any page, so we'll select that widget and drag it onto our page. The widget includes a 'Single Basic Line' option. Select it. The form will be returned as a single line.
The widget includes a 'Single Basic Line' option. Select it. The form will be returned as a single line.
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Related Form FAQs
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There are times when you would like a form to take shape as a single line. This may be useful in a website footer, inline in content, or in other locations, and the format is very different to the default line-by-line format that is applied by default for vertical forms and Simple Panels
.… [ Learn More ]
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