RBA Cash Rate: 4.10% · 1AUD = 0.63 USD · Inflation: 2.4%  
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Example Interest Rates: Home Loan Variable: 5.13% (5.89%*) • Home Loan Fixed: 4.99% (5.91%*) • Fixed: 4.99% (5.91%*) • Variable: 5.13% (5.89%*) • Investment IO: 5.64% (6.42%*) • Investment PI: 4.99% (5.91%*)
5.13% (5.89%*), Lender MCU
4.99% (5.91%*), Lender CWU
4.99% (5.91%*), Lender CWU
5.13% (5.89%*), Lender MCU
5.64% (6.42%*), Lender SUN
4.99% (5.91%*), Lender CWU

How to Add a Cash Rate Graph with Inflation and CPI Data

An RBA Cash Rate graph is shown by default on a page linked to in your header (image below), although the graph may be shown anywhere, and its presentation may be altered in a large number of ways.

Website RBA Graph

  Pictured: An RBA Cash Rate graph is shown by default on a page linked to in your header. The same panel includes the Inflation figure and Currency Conversion Rate. The page linked to includes an array of graphs dispending on your website framework version.

The graph is used in a number of FAQ pages, and we often include date-ranged graphs in managed articles.

  The Result

In our case we've used the shortcode of [bm_cashrate_graph points="800" start="20000101" points="1000" height="420"] to return the following result:

In the above example we've set a large number of attributes, including the start date, maximum number of points to return, and the height. We've also excluded some of the RBA cash trading data. By default, you could simply return [bm_cashrate_graph] and a suitable default graph will be returned.

  Shortcode Attributes

A large number of shortcode attribute apply that'll alter the returned graph results and styles. Attributes are listed below with their default values but without explanation. If you're savvy enough to use shortcodes it's likely you'll recognise the attribute purpose:

Various attributes alter the manner in which data is returned to a user. Confused? Feel free to call us on 1300 235 433 for guidance.


Include inflation graph? Defaults to true. Remove with inflation="0".


Include APRA reported new Owner Occupied Rates? Defaults to true. Remove with rates_new_oo="0".


Include APRA reported existing Owner Occupied Rates? Defaults to true. Remove with rates_existing_oo="0".


Include APRA reported existing Investment Rates? Remove with rates_investment="0".


Include API Graph? Remove with cpi="0".


The number of points to include in the graph. Shouldn't be used with start and end times.


If you would like to return data between specific dates you should use a start and end date. Use as follows: start="20200601" (1st June 2020). An 8 or 10-figure time group is accepted. Should be used with an end date.


If you would like to return data between specific dates you should use a start and end date. Use as follows: start="20200601" (1st June 2020). An 8 or 10-figure time group is accepted. Should be used with a start date.


The API returns daily data, weekly data, monthly data, Tuesday-only data, and any point where a change was introduced. By default, and as part of the free plugin (at this stage, anyhow) we return only tuesday data.


The width of the graph. Defaults to 100%. Any width over 100 (width="600") will return that graph width in pixels.


The height of the graph. Defaults to 400px. Alter as required: height="450".


The graph title. Defaults to 'RBA Cash Rate' if the next attribute is set to true. Alter as required (title="This is another title).


The title will not show by default as it's expected you'll title the graph in context. Use title_display="1" to show.


Show chart legend? Recommended. Use legend="0" to hide.


The legend colour. Defaults to rgb(80, 80, 80). Use a 6-figure HEX value or RGB value.


Padding above the title. Use as follows: title_padding_top="30".


Padding below the title. Use as follows: title_padding_bottom="20".


The colour of the primary RBA Cash Rate Bars. Defaults to rgb(62, 149, 205, 0.6). Use a 6-figure HEX value or RGB value.


Colour of the inflation graph. Defaults to rgb(106, 106, 106, 0.5). Use a 6-figure HEX value or RGB value.


The inflation point colour. Defaults to rgb(106, 106, 106, 0.5). Use a 6-figure HEX value or RGB value.


The inflation border colour. Defaults to rgb(106, 106, 106, 0.5). Use a 6-figure HEX value or RGB value.


Inflation border width colour. Defaults to 1. Alter as follows: inflation_border_width="3".


Inflation border radius. Defaults to 1. Alter as follows: inflation_border_radius="3".


Inflation border size. Defaults to 1. Alter as follows: inflation_border_radius="3".


The cash rate bar start colour. Defaults to #727272. Use a 6-figure HEX value or RGB value. The rate_colour_end should normally be the same.

See also: "How to Include the Cash Rate Data as Text With Shortcode".

  Image Graph Alternative

Should the graph be required in an image graph format, you should reference the LoanCalc API. The shortcode of [loancalc gt="rbablg"] returns the following:

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  Related Graphing FAQs

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An RBA Cash Rate graph is shown by default on a page linked to in your header (image below), although the graph may be shown anywhere, and its presentation may be altered in a large number of ways.

Website RBA Graph


An RBA Cash Rate graph is shown by default on a… [ Learn More ]

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Credit Guide, Last Updated October 4, 2023, 10:22 am