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How to Assign Mobile Number SMS Validation to any Subscription Form

This FAQ will show you how to validate the mobile phone number associated with any subscription form on your website. If the feature is enabled, a user will be required to enter a 4-digit code that is immediately sent to the supplied mobile number. Once the correct number is supplied, the form will immediately submit details and redirect to the assigned second page.

Conditional Redirects: If you're sensibly using Conditional Redirects, the 'Second Page' redirection will either be a Phone or Calendar page, with the latter applied when a booking is also made. This method is proven to significantly improved conversions by delivering escalated relevance into the subscription experience... but the success of the method is predicated on the second page continuing to capture the attention of your user.

Many businesses are 'sold' on the concept of SMS-validated leads that are automatically sent to your calendar, and the feature is one that is often touted as something complex. We've provided the feature since 2010 (in a single entry form) but often discourage the use of immediate verification because of the brick wall early in the subscription process. Any roadblock - including SMS verification - is 'often' contrary to the nature of a higher-yield funnel. As we'll detail shortly, you might choose to introduce a user to your funnel and then ask for validation on the 'Second Page'. That said, there are cases when the verification is expected and required, such as the purpose-built 'Appointment Funnel'.

Formly Forms: Our Forms will do on one simple page what others can't do it what is often four pages, and your conversions will objectively be far higher than those of your competitors with all else being equal. Your capacity to convert should not be limited by poor technology or the inclusion of multiple third-party plugins, and the systems that you're now using are far more effective than the mess of generic products floating around the market. The tech we're describing on this page are fully integrated with your website so unvetted plugins are not used.

Telstra: We use Telstra for the purpose of sending SMS messages because of their high security standards and excellent onshore support. The proliferation of 'cheap' offshore services should be discourage because of the significant risk of interception and fraud. Note that a Telstra Application must be created in your company name before this feature may be used.

  The Result

We'll look at a video of the user-flow with a basic subscription. Note that we're using a Property Subscription Form in the demo only because it's one case where mobile validation is usually applied, but you can obviously include the validation field on any form.

The verification message will either include the naked code, and possibly - depending on what system you might be using - a string that says 'XXXX is your Verification Code', or if you have specifically defined a verification Text Message with a placeholder, that message will be shown instead.

  Enabling Verification on Forms

Verification is enabled in a form with a single toggle when defining the form field profile, all discussed in an FAQ titled "How to Create a Website Lead Form and Assign Automation". The toggle titled "Enable Mobile Verification Code" should be checked to enable the feature, and the toggle titled "Force Mobile Phone Field" should be checked to force the inclusion of the mobile field (unchecked means that the field isn't required and no verification will be applied). In some systems, if the latter is checked then the former forced field will apply (you'll know if this applies to you if you check one field and the other becomes fixed).

Formly SMS Verification Mobile Options

  Pictured: The toggle titled "Enable Mobile Verification Code" should be checked to enable the feature, and the toggle titled "Force Mobile Phone Field" should be checked to force the inclusion of the mobile field (unchecked means that the field isn't required and no verification will be applied). In some systems, if the latter is checked then the former forced field will apply (you'll know if this applies to you if you check one field and the other becomes fixed).

The form initially presents like any other. As shown in the video, the form will show once submitted, and the user will be recorded in your primary leads table once the verification process is complete. Automation will only apply if verification is complete.

A Formly Form

  Pictured: The form initially presents like any other. As shown in the video, the form will show once submitted, and the user will be recorded in your primary leads table once the verification process is complete. Automation will only apply if verification is complete.

You may obviously apply the form in a Simple Panel (side-by-side form with a form and other asset, such as an image, video, or general content.

Formly Property Report Simple Panel

  Pictured: You may obviously apply the form in a Simple Panel (side-by-side form with a form and other asset, such as an image, video, or general content.

As mentioned earlier, the verification is recommended on Property Report forms as you won't want to be wasting resources and time on those users that aren't verified as legitimate.

  The Method

Our method of Verification is one that is discussed in our practical FAQs. Bottom line: don't do what the leadgen guys are doing, or what many 'digital guys' believe to be a 'feature'. There's craziness in the way many businesses use forms, automation, and verification, with many using multiple plugins and services to perform the single and simple contact or booking task. Each additional page view (such as the Conditional 'Second Page') won't require any of the same details to be repeated as is often the case with dodgy calendar plugins. You're at a serious advantage in the market.

Promotion: The Property example we've provided above is one that has worked tremendously well. At the time of writing (October 2024), those brokers using the 'Report Funnel' as part of a promoted campaign are seeing Refinance conversions under $70 (that's conversions, not leads), so we'd encourage all brokers looking to fill their pipeline to engage with the program (knowing that Facebook leads are rarely the quality sourced from elsewhere).

  The 'Funnels' Plugin

The methods we've just described were previously included in our Funnels plugin which is part of the reason why the free product performed better than virtually all paid products on the market (the purpose of the product was to purge mediocrity). The new Funnels product - designed as a plug-and-play solution for immediate Facebook advertising, and made available on any website - includes all the enhanced Formly form features.

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  Related Form FAQs

Your website includes the most comprehensive form system in the industry. Some of the form features are listed below.

This FAQ will show you how to validate the mobile phone number associated with any subscription form on your website. If the feature is enabled, a user will be required to enter a 4-digit code that is immediately sent to the supplied mobile number. Once the correct number is supplied, the form will immediately submit… [ Learn More ]

One of the marketing magnets any Property or Finance operation will use to engage organic traffic and convert warmer traffic in higher numbers is the inclusion of a Property Report form that will result in a report provided to the user. This FAQ will introduce the Property Report and how it is applied on pages… [ Learn More ]

In most cases, the idea with any 'cold' form is to render as few fields as possible and only ask what is absolutely necessary to attract a user into your funnel. Certainly, if a user has ever subscribed to a form and comes back to your website, those fields that are known, such as name… [ Learn More ]

There are times when you would like a form to take shape as a single line. This may be useful in a website footer, inline in content, or in other locations, and the format is very different to the default line-by-line format that is applied by default for vertical forms  and Simple Panels .… [ Learn More ]

The First Email is an action that will conditionally send the first email to a user after a subscription of any type based on their form interaction. The First Email sent to a user will be determined based on the nature of their subscription - are they a subscriber, phone contact, or calendar booking? A… [ Learn More ]

A Conditional Redirect is simply an action that will send a user to a different second page after subscribing to a form. The second page shown to a user will be determined based on the nature of their subscription - are they a subscriber, phone contact, or calendar booking? A single page may be used… [ Learn More ]

Your website supports a large number of our own in-house search tools that exist outside of the standard WordPress framework. This FAQ will introduce the 'BM Website Basic Search' search facility onto your website with shortcode or with the Elementor widget. Searching any website can be a nuisance, and the experience is one that can… [ Learn More ]

In a previous FAQ we looked at how to include an address validation field into a form on your website. This FAQ will introduce the same style of field that will automatically direct the user to the single page associated with each registered address in Australia. This feature is part of the broader Property… [ Learn More ]

Version of the Yabber Website Plugin in company with website framework 202406 updates includes a basic Emergency Services search engine. The search engine will return various services based on suburb and/or postcode and then redirect the user to a dedicated page. The feature is available with a shortcode and Elementor widget - this FAQ… [ Learn More ]

The Property Property Streets API, and the Validation Endpoint in particular, is a means to access registered street and registered address location from Yabber via a form input field. The Validation (or Autocomplete) endpoints are useful for searching property on user keystrokes. The validation may be used to ensure pinpoint accuracy is assured by way… [ Learn More ]

In an FAQ titled "How to Create and Manage Website Simple Panels in Yabber" we looked at how to create Simple Panels, with the panel providing the side-by-side form and lead magnet (image or video). This FAQ will look at the various options to place the Simple Panels on your website.


A simple panel is simply a two-column form. On the left side we have a form, and on the right side we have an image or video. As you're aware, we espouse the every-page conversion methodology, and this requires a high-value and relevant lead magnet (or 'offer') on every single page of your website. Every… [ Learn More ]

Forma And Panel escalation is a component of the large Conditional Content framework that underpins your mortgage broker website and finance funnels. Basic conditional content features are introduced in an FAQ titled The Basics of Conditional Content and Interest Types, while advanced methods are addressed individually. One of the simplest conditional options to employ… [ Learn More ]

Your website forms made available in Yabber and on your website are one of the most important marketing assets in your toolkit. They're the conduit that connects your website to Yabber and triggers the applicable automation schedules, logs the lead or prospect, and provides you with relevant notifications. Integration is made with various CRM systems,… [ Learn More ]

Your website's Referral Form is a dedicated resource with its own features and automation schedule. Managed via Yabber and an Elementor block or shortcode, it may be applied anywhere on your website. It is expected that the form will be integral to your formalised referral, partner, and EDGE post-settlement/repricing programs. You will find the 'Referral… [ Learn More ]

Every page of your website requires either a form or simple panel - we know this. This FAQ will details how to assign your created forms and panels to various 'hooked' locations on your website, and how to create Custom Locations anywhere on your website with Elementor (or WordPress shortcode). Assigning forms to various locations… [ Learn More ]

A Simple Panel is a form and 'something' alongside it, such as an image or video. In this FAQ we will look at how to change the Simple Panel as shown on the front page of your website.

Front Page Simple Panel
Navigate your way to Yabber's 'Front Page' module… [ Learn More ]

  SMS Marketing FAQs

The SMS Marketing module is quite large and includes dozens of features. Review additional functionality below.

The standard SMS module will provide a facility to generate virtual mobile phone numbers when required. As described in the FAQ on 'SMS Settings', this is mildly problematic as replies are not sent to you directly; rather, the replies are sent via email. The benefit of this system is that the records are maintained in… [ Learn More ]

This FAQ will detail how to manage the numbers and reporting associated with the SMS module. It is assumed that you will have your own Telstra Application created with the applicable application keys copied into Yabber. Details on this process are detailed in an FAQ titled "Creating a Telstra SMS Application". This FAQ details… [ Learn More ]

This FAQ will show you how to validate the mobile phone number associated with any subscription form on your website. If the feature is enabled, a user will be required to enter a 4-digit code that is immediately sent to the supplied mobile number. Once the correct number is supplied, the form will immediately submit… [ Learn More ]

A voicedrop is a small audio recording that is attached to an outgoing text or email. Used in the Funnel, this FAQ will details how to create and manage voicedrops. We will also touch on those modules that might optionally include the the voicedrop recording. The system we're describing in this FAQ are for the… [ Learn More ]

Microsoft Contact Folders aren't as relevant as they once were, and the 'new' (2024) versions of Outlook will categorise contacts with 'Categories' rather than folders, although folders are still made available even if they're not part of the standard Outlook interface. Yabber will still require that a contact folder be applied from time-to-time, although they're… [ Learn More ]

SMS Subscription forms may be used in any number of ways, but the primary purpose is to support text message alerts for various types of property opportunities. When the form was first introduced, the form was part of our supporting partner modules, but more and more brokers are becoming affiliate directly with property groups, and… [ Learn More ]

This FAQ will show you how to send a single SMS text message in Yabber. Note that there are more effective ways of sending a single real-time message, such as connecting your mobile phone to your PC. Each text message incurs a cost, so outside of targeted group text campaigns, sending single messages should… [ Learn More ]

An SMS Template will permit you to create an SMS message that is referenced within other areas of Yabber, such as EDGE, Fact Find Reports, Referral Forms, and Triggers. Instead of creating a single SMS, we create the text message as a template that we may use from multiple locations, meaning that if an update… [ Learn More ]

  Related FAQs

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