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How to Create and Manage YouTube Playlists in Yabber

A YouTube Playlist is simply a collection of related videos. They may be shared as a group of videos on YouTube, or as it applies to your website, you may selectively include related videos in panels, video sliders, or in lists. Yabber provides a full-featured section to create, manage, and update playlists on YouTube (and in doing so, updating those lists shown on your website).

To access the Playlist module in Yabber, navigate your way to the YouTube module via the small YT icon in the 'Social' module, then select 'Playlists'.

YouTube Playlist Navigation

The entry screen allows you to modify existing Playlists. Other panels allow you to create, modify, update, delete, sync, and review playlist information and statistics. If this is your first time using the Yabber feature, you'll want to Sync existing YouTube Playlist  data to Yabber, and this is completed via the Sync panel (this will generally only be performed once, but may be used to update Yabber when you have modified Playlists in YouTube Studio directly).

  Creating a Playlist

For the purpose of the FAQ, we'll create a playlist called 'Demonstration Yabber Playlist', and we'll then add some videos to the Playlist. We'll first select the 'Create' panel, populate the required fields, and 'Save'. The Playlist Title and Description are shown on YouTube, so make them suitable for public display.

Create YouTube Playlist

If we were to find our way into YouTube Studio, you will see that the newly created and empty playlist exists .

You may update the YouTube playlist at any time via the 'Edit' panel . This is used to update the primary Playlist attributes, such as the title, description, privacy status, and tags.

  Managing Videos in a YouTube Playlist

Our next step is to add some videos to the playlist. From the Videos panel, select your Channel and all public videos will be returned. Drag and drop them into the order in which they should be shown in the playlist, and select those to active via the on/off toggle switch.

Create YouTube Playlist

  Pictured: We'll create a playlist called 'Demonstration Yabber Playlist', and we'll then add some videos to the Playlist. We'll first select the 'Create' panel, populate the required fields, and 'Save'. The Playlist Title and Description are shown on YouTube, so make them suitable for public display. Once your playlist is defined, click 'Save'. Once saved, and if were to navigate our way back into YouTube studio, you would now see the videos assigned to the playlist .

Once your playlist is defined, click 'Save'. Once saved, and if were to navigate our way back into YouTube studio, you would now see the videos assigned to the playlist .

If you edit a playlist with videos that are already assigned, those videos will be shown towards the top of the video list in green . You may add or remove any videos from the list as required.

To delete a video, select the Delete Panel , select your video and playlist, and delete. The action is permanent and the playlist cannot be retrieved.

Once Playlists are created - and assuming the playlist is public - it will be made available in YouTube channel menus . The playlist may also be assigned to YouTube Channel Sections.


If you have a large number of videos, managing the playlist can become problematic - your screen simply isn't long enough. For usability, we will update the playlist to resemble a toggle-based table such as the one used for testimonial lists.

A large number of options are provided for rendering YouTube playlists in various ways, such as the standard YouTube embed feature, sliders, and so on. The 'Related FAQs' at the bottom of this article will direct you to relevant resources.

  Review, Edit, and Statistics

Yabber returns a large amount of statistical data relating to your playlists and associated videos. Select the 'Review' panel and a multi-layered statistical panel is returned. Clicking on any resource (such as a Playlist) takes a deeper dive into that resource).

Review Edit YouTube Playlists

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  Related YouTube FAQs

Your website includes a large number of YouTube features. Most are listed below.

Your website includes a very large number of methods to include different types of headings, including Titles and Statements (both of which serve a specific purpose), with other shortcode and Elementor tools making the addition of various 'headings' a piece of cake. While there are any number of ways to generate page titles,… [ Learn More ]

There may be occasions where you are required to give BeliefMedia access to your YouTube account. If you're a managed client, access will almost certainly be required. While Yabber provides facilities to upload YouTube videos and manage your channel, we may still require access in order to simultaneously add multiple videos without breaking any upload… [ Learn More ]

YouTube Chapters are video chapters applied in YouTube under each video, and they're used on your website as a means for each user to navigate directly to that part of the video that is most relevant. From an SEO perspective, Google treats each chapter as an answer to a question, so the feature will improve… [ Learn More ]

You want those marketing assets on the periphery to property represent your brand, but you also want them to be consistent with your trending website traffic or consumer sentiment. For example, with the introduction of a FHB or Investor incentive of some kind you will likely want your broader marketing footprint to reflect this, or… [ Learn More ]

When you visit any YouTube channel you will be presented with a fairly typical layout. However, those playlists that are shown on your entry page, and the order in which they may be shown, may be customised to your liking in YouTube or in Yabber. This FAQ will show you how to customise your channel… [ Learn More ]

It's typical to change your social media banners of all types based on seasons, such as Christmas, Anzac Day, Easter or similar. A module in Yabber permits you to define start and stop dates for a specific banner, and that banner will automatically be applied (and later replaced with your 'default' banner). This FAQ shows… [ Learn More ]

The YouTube banner is the large image towards the top of your YouTube channel. Yabber provides a facility to update this banner, and this FAQ will show you how this is accomplished. Another FAQ will show you how to seasonally alter the banner so it updates automatically on the basis of scheduled dates. For… [ Learn More ]

In this FAQ we'll provide the basic shortcode necessary to return a video modal to your page. There are two methods for returning a video modal: a Yabber modal, and a full screen modal, with the former preferred because it is fully tracked and integrated with the Conditional Framework.

Modal Module Overview

Your website… [ Learn More ]

A YouTube Playlist is simply a collection of related videos. They may be shared as a group of videos on YouTube, or as it applies to your website, you may selectively include related videos in panels, video sliders, or in lists. Yabber provides a full-featured section to create, manage, and update playlists on YouTube (and… [ Learn More ]

Yabber provides a large number of ways in which to send videos to Social, although it's more likely that you'll use the Outlook-based Vista Social Calendar, or Instagratify tools more often than any other, and both of these these tools will optionally applying a watermark, a heading, a music track, and fade effects.… [ Learn More ]

Given its importance, this FAQ is provided for clarification on how to ensure that Instagram videos are sent to YouTube via the Instagratify tool. If you haven't already, you should review 'general' the FAQ on Instagratify, and another on Sending Video to Social Media with Instagratify. The reason a user might get confused… [ Learn More ]

The YouTube module is very extensive and permits a vast array of functions. This FAQ will show you how to change a featured 'Thumbnail' image for a YouTube video. For the purpose of the FAQ we'll assign a new Thumbnail to one of our boring videos.

Google Connectivity

Using the extensive YouTube module requires that… [ Learn More ]

The bmyt shortcode is now the primary method to render YouTube videos on your website. You should note that most video assignments on pages, FAQs, archive pages, and various other locations, are all managed via a point-and-click process, so the inclusion of videos other than these default 'hooked' locations requires use of the Elementor widget… [ Learn More ]

The 'Related Videos' panel will return a an accordion populated with related video modal links. The Relates Videos are managed in Yabber, so changes to the panel will be made on your website wherever the related series is shown. In order to use this tool, you must first connect YouTube and/or Wistia (YouTube is… [ Learn More ]

  Related Video Blocks

Your website includes a large number of ways in which to return video, or assign video to certain hook on your website.

Your website includes a very large number of methods to include different types of headings, including Titles and Statements (both of which serve a specific purpose), with other shortcode and Elementor tools making the addition of various 'headings' a piece of cake. While there are any number of ways to generate page titles,… [ Learn More ]

We've shared FAQs that showed you how to create Wistia video customisations, sharing profiles, turnstiles, and postroll CTA profiles (all linked below). This FAQ will show you how to update an individual video or all videos that are part of a project.

  About Wistia

Wistia is a third-party service that provides videos hosting for a monthly subscription. It is quite costly, but the platform does provide for three free videos and we encourage all our users to sign up for this offer.

Wistia provides a large number of integrated video features that enable far greater insights into video performance when compared to platforms such as YouTube, and the level of statistical data returned for each user is significant.

Yabber integrates with Wistia in such a way that we effectively emulate most features of that service. This tight level of connectivity enables features such as the email collection turnstiles (or email capture form 'gates' within a video) to be used for engagement and not just consumption.

This FAQ should be read in company with those listed below since when you're updating a video you'll generally update all of the profiles shown at the same time.

Wistia features may be referenced under this article in the 'Related FAQ' section.

Wistia: You may sign up for a free account on Wistia at Wistia.com . Ensure you follow the FAQ on connecting the API and Webhooks to fully enable all of Yabbers features.

  Wistia Source - Yabber/Wistia or Elementor

In a previous FAQ we detailed how to apply customisations to an embedded Wistia Video. In order for Yabber and/or Wistia options to override the values defined in Elementor, you should navigate your way to the 'Settings' panel and define your preferred source via the 'Website' option.

Elementor or Wistia

  Pictured: In order for Yabber and/or Wistia options to override the values defined in Elementor, you should navigate your way to the 'Settings' panel and define your preferred source via the 'Website' option. Using the Elementor option is one that is typically used by those that do no subscribe to Yabber in any way.

If the source is set to 'Elementor', all Yabber and Wistia options are ignored, and if set to Yabber, all Elementor options are ignored.

Using Yabber profiles and options are obviously preferred since you may globally update all videos as required, and options can be applied without messing around within your website.

  Locating The Update Panel

You will find the facility… [ Learn More ]

Using Wistia’s Turnstile email collector, you can collect emails from within your videos at defined times, making it easy for you to gate content and drive warmer leads into a crafted pathway. The collected email is sent to Yabber and full automation may optionally be applied as if the user subscribed to a standard subscription… [ Learn More ]

A Wistia video may contain a share control button which presents various sharing options. Usage is generally discouraged because it tends to clutter the video container appearance, and other share options already exist. This FAQ will show you how to define various share options.

Updating Video Options

This FAQ will show you how to create… [ Learn More ]

Wistia annotations are described as the 'polite marketers best friend'. Defined by you, the annotations are a small line of linked text that will render to the top right of your video container after a defined period of time, and for a period of time. Remember, the entire focus of a funnel is about creating… [ Learn More ]

A Postroll CTA is a customizable link (or full screen linked image) that shows at the end of your video that will help you get your viewers to take the next step in your conversion process. This FAQ will show you how to create and manage the Postroll feature. Since the profile is updated with… [ Learn More ]

Wistia Projects are parent container for videos that you can think of as categories, or folders on your PC. You might have a project for First Home Buyers, Refinancing, Investors, and so on. The projects are a good way of selectively sharing groups of videos (since each project has its own privacy settings), and you… [ Learn More ]

You may customise the appearance of a Wistia Video container by creating a profile in Yabber. Your 'style and feature' profile is then assigned to a single video or group of videos (in a project). Unlike services such as YouTube, Wistia allows you to alter virtually every element of the video container, from the colour… [ Learn More ]

There may be occasions where you are required to give BeliefMedia access to your YouTube account. If you're a managed client, access will almost certainly be required. While Yabber provides facilities to upload YouTube videos and manage your channel, we may still require access in order to simultaneously add multiple videos without breaking any upload… [ Learn More ]

This FAQ will show you the method of sending images and/or video o Facebook Groups with Instagratify or Vista. The method is one that will become a global feature in the future, but until then, the Facebook Group feature will be a little different to other services. First, we only permit posting to your own… [ Learn More ]

Wistia is a third-party video hosting service that is tailored towards business in that it provides full tracking, detailed analytics, statistics, and full customisations - all of which Yabber supports. Another seriously significant advantage of Wistia is that is permits us to track usage to the user level, thus marrying up with our own methodology,… [ Learn More ]

YouTube Chapters are video chapters applied in YouTube under each video, and they're used on your website as a means for each user to navigate directly to that part of the video that is most relevant. From an SEO perspective, Google treats each chapter as an answer to a question, so the feature will improve… [ Learn More ]

You want those marketing assets on the periphery to property represent your brand, but you also want them to be consistent with your trending website traffic or consumer sentiment. For example, with the introduction of a FHB or Investor incentive of some kind you will likely want your broader marketing footprint to reflect this, or… [ Learn More ]

Evidenced by the large number of 'Related FAQs' shown at the bottom of this article, your website includes a very large number of video features. Why? Because video is vitally important... and given that it's a platform your competitors ignore, you have the capacity to achieve some amazing results. One of the many video features… [ Learn More ]

When you visit any YouTube channel you will be presented with a fairly typical layout. However, those playlists that are shown on your entry page, and the order in which they may be shown, may be customised to your liking in YouTube or in Yabber. This FAQ will show you how to customise your channel… [ Learn More ]

Wistia is a third-party video hosting service that is tailored specifically to marketing efforts. The service charges a significant premium for hosting but they do provide a free option for three videos which we encourage you to use. You may register your free account at Wistia.com . This FAQ will show you how to connect… [ Learn More ]

As with Social Media, it's rather absurd that we'll invest time, effort, and energy into creating video content and then let it rot away on a social platform that doesn't give it the exposure that the video deserves. For this reason, our website framework supports a full-featured video archive that'll show all your videos in… [ Learn More ]

At the risk of repeating ourselves, every single page on your website is a 'type' of landing page, and each and every page on your website is a conversion asset that must be treated as such. While the primary objective of each of your website pages might vary, the need to build every page around… [ Learn More ]

It's typical to change your social media banners of all types based on seasons, such as Christmas, Anzac Day, Easter or similar. A module in Yabber permits you to define start and stop dates for a specific banner, and that banner will automatically be applied (and later replaced with your 'default' banner). This FAQ shows… [ Learn More ]

The YouTube banner is the large image towards the top of your YouTube channel. Yabber provides a facility to update this banner, and this FAQ will show you how this is accomplished. Another FAQ will show you how to seasonally alter the banner so it updates automatically on the basis of scheduled dates. For… [ Learn More ]

In this FAQ we'll provide the basic shortcode necessary to return a video modal to your page. There are two methods for returning a video modal: a Yabber modal, and a full screen modal, with the former preferred because it is fully tracked and integrated with the Conditional Framework.

Modal Module Overview

Your website… [ Learn More ]

In an FAQ titled How to Define and Send Lender-Specific Videos for the Lenders Archive and Product Pages we looked at how to assign videos to the Lender Product Archive and Pages on your website. Familiarity with the former module is required, as this FAQ will simply show you how to link directly… [ Learn More ]

In a previous FAQ we introduced how to define the single video for your website Lender Archive page. However, this is the top-level entry page that effectively acts as a conduit to the Lenders Archive Pages and the thousands of Lender Product Pages. Each of the specific Lender Archive Pages, and all of… [ Learn More ]

The Lender Archive Video is a single video shown on the entry Lender Archive Page. It is important for the purpose of amplifying funnel enthusiasm and introducing your website visitors to the purpose of the vast information archives you make available. The video should always include an appropriate call-to-action, appropriate disclaimers, and other helpful… [ Learn More ]

A YouTube Playlist is simply a collection of related videos. They may be shared as a group of videos on YouTube, or as it applies to your website, you may selectively include related videos in panels, video sliders, or in lists. Yabber provides a full-featured section to create, manage, and update playlists on YouTube (and… [ Learn More ]

As with the Yabber facility to add a video to the top of FAQ articles, the same method applies to standard blog posts. We know that video is the single page ingredient that'll attract and engage website users more than any other, so it stands to reason that we'll use it whenever and wherever… [ Learn More ]

Yabber provides a large number of ways in which to send videos to Social, although it's more likely that you'll use the Outlook-based Vista Social Calendar, or Instagratify tools more often than any other, and both of these these tools will optionally applying a watermark, a heading, a music track, and fade effects.… [ Learn More ]

Given its importance, this FAQ is provided for clarification on how to ensure that Instagram videos are sent to YouTube via the Instagratify tool. If you haven't already, you should review 'general' the FAQ on Instagratify, and another on Sending Video to Social Media with Instagratify. The reason a user might get confused… [ Learn More ]

Instagram accepts up to 9 images when creating a post. Instagratify has the capacity to stitch up these images into an animated GIF for sharing on social media or other purposes. When multiple images are required to be sent to social, the standard has generally evolved into using a video since there's more options… [ Learn More ]

We all know that Video is a highly effective marketing tool, and we all know that we should all be using it. Instagratify is designed to share those short and meaningful videos a super-simple process. Brokers have information fed to them via Lenders and aggregators every day, and you're exposed to new scarious and products… [ Learn More ]

The YouTube module is very extensive and permits a vast array of functions. This FAQ will show you how to change a featured 'Thumbnail' image for a YouTube video. For the purpose of the FAQ we'll assign a new Thumbnail to one of our boring videos.

Google Connectivity

Using the extensive YouTube module requires that… [ Learn More ]

Video is the secret sauce that'll engage and convert your customers. Period. Our entire marketing effort once colder contact is made is predicated on the principles of 'Know, Like, and Trust', and these attributes are determined by our perceived Expertise and Authoritativeness, and there's no better way of developing an early relationship by way of… [ Learn More ]

The bmyt shortcode is now the primary method to render YouTube videos on your website. You should note that most video assignments on pages, FAQs, archive pages, and various other locations, are all managed via a point-and-click process, so the inclusion of videos other than these default 'hooked' locations requires use of the Elementor widget… [ Learn More ]

The 'Related Videos' panel will return a an accordion populated with related video modal links. The Relates Videos are managed in Yabber, so changes to the panel will be made on your website wherever the related series is shown. In order to use this tool, you must first connect YouTube and/or Wistia (YouTube is… [ Learn More ]

We encourage multiple videos on your front page, and they should be presented in multiple ways. The front page video panel is shown (by default) at the bottom of your front page. However, the block may be moved if required, and it may be used anywhere with the use of shortcode.

  The Result

The result… [ Learn More ]

We encourage multiple videos on your front page, and they should be presented in multiple ways. The primary front page website video is shown fully rendered, and by default it'll show about half way down the front page.

  The Result

The result of the front page video is as you would expect (shown below).
Image Error

  Related FAQs

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