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What is the FAQ Module, and How Does it Work?

The FAQ Module is central to the manner in which your website serves information to website visitors. We've run multiple experiments in the way various pathways are manufactured and determined that the standalone FAQ archive with referenced pages within your website will create more engagement and far more conversions.

Despite its simplicity, the FAQ Module made available in your website is unlike anything in the market, and it places you at a clear advantage when compared against those brokers that serve short, static, and uninspired blocks of information. Your website is an education-based resource, and the FAQs facilitate this agenda.

  The Basic of the FAQ Architecture

This post you're reading right now is part of our own FAQ Module and it isn't totally unlike the system made available in our broker framework. The broker framework, however, makes far more use of the internal accordion blocks that reference FAQ categories (more in a moment).

The FAQ is divided into two standalone modules - the Website FAQs, and the Yabber FAQs. It's the Website-integrated FAQs that you'll use most often. If you know what you're looking to achieve, you may navigate directly to the applicable FAQ Module FAQ below.

  • Website FAQs
  • Yabber FAQs

The two FAQ types are summarised (in brief) below.

  Website FAQs

Pictured below is the primary FAQ archive (linked to from the 'FAQ' menu item in the primary header) with an example full page FAQ.

FAQ Archive with Example FAQ

  Pictured: Pictured is the primary FAQ archive (linked to from the 'FAQ' menu item in the primary header) with an example full page FAQ. It's the FAQ accordion (shown below) that will show FAQs from a select category or categories.

The Website FAQ archive is a full archive or all FAQs, but within internal pages we only want to render selected FAQs specific to the page objective. Some of your internal pages with have 20 FAQs while others will have just a few. For brevity, the NDIS (SDA) FAQs are shown below on a 'Property' page that introduces SDA Investments.

SDA FAQ Accordion Panel

  Pictured: The Website FAQ archive is a full archive or all FAQs, but within internal pages we only want to render selected FAQs specific to the page objective. Some of your internal pages with have 20 FAQs while others will have just a few. For brevity, the NDIS (SDA) FAQs are shown below on a 'Property' page that introduces SDA Investments.

The accordion blocks are placed on your website via an Elementor block or shortcode.

  Yabber FAQs

Yabber FAQs are essentially standard accordion panels that are not linked to the Website FAQ archive in any way. They are simply a title and paragraph. Created and managed entirely in Yabber, the FAQ blocks are placed on your website via an Elementor block or shortcode, but they do not link to standalone FAQ pages.

Yabber Construction FAQs

  Pictured: Yabber FAQs are essentially standard accordion panels that are not linked to the Website FAQ archive in any way. They are simply a title and paragraph. Created and managed entirely in Yabber, the FAQ blocks are placed on your website via an Elementor block or shortcode, but they do not link to standalone FAQ pages.

Note that the paragraph in the above FAQ block does not link to an internal FAQ page.

  Making use of the FAQ Architecture

You come across relevant information every day, and all those 'answers' bouncing around in your fuzzy head will be of use to 'somebody'. As we describe in the Website FAQs, you should write short snippets of information as often as you can - it's what borrowers and search engines are looking for. To amplify the impact of FAQ, you may assign a video to the top of every FAQ page in Yabber.

As described in our Website FAQ, as each FAQ post is added to the archive it will be included in the applicable FAQ 'block' accordion.

While FAQs are generally quite short, there's no reason they can't be engaging. Make user of the vast number of shortcodes, Elementor features, graphs, and so on, in order to build yourself a compelling and engaging FAQ library.

  Every Page Subscription Forms and Offers

It doesn't need to be stated that every page of your website is a potential organic entry point, and the FAQs are a common search engine entry page, so ensure you assign an appropriate subscription form to the bottom of every FAQ page (and the FAQ archive page).

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  Related FAQ Module FAQs

The FAQ module is made up of Website FAQs and Yabber FAQs. Placement is managed via Elementor or shortcode, and full style options are managed in Yabber.

Video is the secret sauce that'll engage and convert your customers. Period. Our entire marketing effort once colder contact is made is predicated on the principles of 'Know, Like, and Trust', and these attributes are determined by our perceived Expertise and Authoritativeness, and there's no better way of developing an early relationship by way of… [ Learn More ]

Your website is delivered with anywhere between 70 and 80 Frequently asked questions, and they form the basis of the FAQ accordions shared on various internal primary website pages. As per our terms, and with the exception of appropriately managed clients, it is your responsibility to edit, modify, or remove your own FAQs. The… [ Learn More ]

In previous FAQs we've introduced both the Website FAQ and the Yabber FAQ. With the overlap in style applied to the resulting accordion, and for brevity in those other articles, this FAQ will introduce the common method of creating and applying styles to accordion panels. To define the styles for FAQ accordions, you… [ Learn More ]

The primary method of rendering accordion FAQ content on your website is via the Website FAQ module, and the FAQ architecture provides a unique and powerful experience. However, there are times when you would like to render random FAQ blocks made up of content other than post content, and the Yabber FAQ module facilitates… [ Learn More ]

The Website FAQs are arguably the most important information and education resource on your website. The Website FAQ module consists of an archive that isn't totally unlike your standard blog archive - it is a dedicated resource full of all the FAQ posts you create. Each FAQ in the archive links to the FAQ post… [ Learn More ]

The FAQ Module is central to the manner in which your website serves information to website visitors. We've run multiple experiments in the way various pathways are manufactured and determined that the standalone FAQ archive with referenced pages within your website will create more engagement and far more conversions. Despite its simplicity, the FAQ Module… [ Learn More ]

  Related FAQs

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