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How to use the Category Posts Accordion With Elementor and Shortcode

The category posts accordion will render an accordion with posts from various categories, or with specific tags attached. A combination of tags and/or categories might be used. The feature is similar in nature to the Related Reading List except that the accordion will periodically update based on new articles added to the applicable category or tag group.

An Elementor widget or WordPress shortcode may be used. Note that this future is expected to receive a major update, so keep refer back to this FAQ from time-to-time.

  The Result

The shortcode of [bm_category_posts categories="lender-bank-data"] returns the following:

An example panel returned with multiple categories and tag filtering applied might be [bm_category_posts categories="lender-bank-data,elementor" tags="something,something-else"]. Note that we accept category and tag slug - not ID. To return article associated with just a tag, and limiting the number of results is as follows: [bm_category_posts tags="something,something-else" number="10"].

  Shortcode Attributes

Shortcode can be complicated, and using it is considered advanced. Elementor is easier! That said, if you choose to use shortcode, the following attributes will apply:

categories and tags

The accordion requires at least one category and/or tag. We use the slug associated with each category and tag, not the ID.


The background colour of the accordion panel. Defaults to #f1f1f1 (light grey) as shown in the example.


The colour of accordion text when hovered over. Defaults to #fbfbfb (light grey).


The colour of accordion text when hovered over. Defaults to #fbfbfb (light grey).


The colour of accordion panel hovered over. Defaults to ##6b6b6b (darker grey).


The colour of the accordion title text when selected. Defaults to #000000 (white).


The line height that applies to accordion paragraph text. Defaults to 1.1.


The font_size that applies to accordion paragraph text. Defaults to 0.9.


The number of words in the paragraph text. Defaults to 55.


The height of the accordion title panel. Defaults to 40.


The 'more text' used that links to the applicable article. Defaults to 'Learn More'.


CSS that applies to the 'more' attribute text, such as font-weight: bold; font-size: 0.9em; (default).


The HTML attribute that will be used before each title text. Defaults to +.


A style profile created in Yabber. Defaults to 'default'.


The status of posts to include in the accordion. Use 'publish', 'draft' or 'future'.


The order in which posts are returned in the stacked accordion. Defaults to 'date'.


Return posts in ASC or DESC order (useful when using the 'date' orderby attribute).

margin_bottom and margin_top

The margin applied above and below the stacked accordion container. Defaults to 30 and 20 respectively.


The number of results to include in the accordion. Use number="-1" for all results.


This will truncate the title to a specific length. Defaults to 80 characters, but when used on areas on your website other than the blog page, you might have a need to shorten it.

Again, you can expect these attributes to change.

  Elementor Widget

To create a Category accordion in Elementor, search for 'Category Posts Accordion', drag it into your page, and then select the applicable categories and/or tags. The first options presented is 'Style Profile', and this will be introduced shortly.

Elementor Category Widget

  Pictured: Elementor Post Category Widget. Drag the widget into your page, select the applicable categories, and the accordion will be returned. Various options apply for the purpose of altering the returned data. The style applied is inherited from those profiles created for FAQ panels.

  Applying Style

The style applied to this accordion is inherited from the 'FAQ Module', and the method is now deprecated and will soon be replaced with a global option. Check back to this FAQ soon for an update.

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  Related Series Blocks

Your website includes a large number of ways in which to return post, download, video and other content. Review the related content below.

The category posts accordion will render an accordion with posts from various categories, or with specific tags attached. A combination of tags and/or categories might be used. The feature is similar in nature to the Related Reading List except that the accordion will periodically update based on new articles added to the applicable category… [ Learn More ]

The 'Related Videos' panel will return a an accordion populated with related video modal links. The Relates Videos are managed in Yabber, so changes to the panel will be made on your website wherever the related series is shown. In order to use this tool, you must first connect YouTube and/or Wistia (YouTube is… [ Learn More ]

The 'Related Downloads' panel will return a an accordion populated with related downloads. The Relates Downloads are managed in Yabber, so changes to the panel will be made on your website wherever the related series is shown. In order to use this tool, you must first upload content to Yabber's Download Manager. You will… [ Learn More ]

The 'Related Article' panel will return a an accordion populated with articles in a series, or a group of articles for related reading. The Relates Series is managed in Yabber, so changes to the panel will be made on your website wherever the related series is shown. You will find the 'Related' panels within the… [ Learn More ]

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