RBA Cash Rate: 4.35% · 1AUD = 0.67 USD · Inflation: 4.1%  
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Example Interest Rates: Home Loan Variable: 5.38% (6.14%*) • Home Loan Fixed: 5.39% (6.67%*) • Fixed: 5.39% (6.67%*) • Variable: 5.38% (6.14%*) • Investment IO: 5.69% (6.52%*) • Investment PI: 5.49% (5.98%*)

How to Include Currency Conversion Text on Your Website

The single currency conversion is returned to your page via the shortcode of [exchange to="usd" value="1"]%%exchange%%[/exchange], in this case returning $0.67. To return another currency you should simply alter the value. For example, [exchange to="usd" value="5"]US%%exchange%%[/exchange] returns US$3.35.

You'll note that we use the %%exchange%% placeholder. This is used primarily to support currency tooltips. For example, [exchange to="usd" value="100" modal="This is modal text, AU$100 will buy you %%currency%% USD"]US%%exchange%%[/exchange] will return US$66.92 (note the tooltip when you hover over the value). In using placeholders you simply have more control over how the tooltip text is returned.

  Shortcode Attributes


The from currency. Defaults to aud. Available currency: aud, usd, twi, cny, jpy, eur, krw, gbp, sgd, inr, thb, nzd, twd, myr, idr, vnd, aed, pgk, hkd, cad, zar, sar, chf, sek, php, sdr, dem, frf, esp, itl, nlg, bef, ats, fim, pte, iep, grd.


The to currency. Defaults to usd. Available currency: aud, usd, twi, cny, jpy, eur, krw, gbp, sgd, inr, thb, nzd, twd, myr, idr, vnd, aed, pgk, hkd, cad, zar, sar, chf, sek, php, sdr, dem, frf, esp, itl, nlg, bef, ats, fim, pte, iep, grd.


The value of the conversion. A dollar value with decimals without the dollar sign (value="5.75").


Rate can be ignored. If set to true it simply returns the default conversion from AUD to USD. It's a partially retired attribute for a custom application.


The number of decimal values to return in the conversion. Defaults to 2.


The modal background colour. Any hex or RGB value is accepted. For example, background="#6CAE6A" or background="rgb(108, 174, 106, 0.8)".


The modal text color. Any hex or RGB value is accepted. For example, background="#ffffff" or background="rgb(255, 255, 255)".


The modal text. Should also include the %%exchange%% placeholder. Example: modal="The value of X USD is %%exchange%%".

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  Related Currency FAQs

Related Currency FAQs.

The single currency conversion is returned to your page via the shortcode of [exchange to="usd" value="1"]%%exchange%%[/exchange], in this case returning $0.67. To return another currency you should simply alter the value. For example, [exchange to="usd" value="5"]US%%exchange%%[/exchange] returns US$3.35. You'll note that we use the %%exchange%% placeholder. This is used primarily to… [ Learn More ]

The exchange rate graph return major currencies compared against the Australian dollar. It's not a particularly pretty chart but the colour values may be altered by way of shortcode (we've used very different bold colours to clearly differentiate one currency from another). Inclusion is made with the shortcode of [bm_exchange]. The result:

Various… [ Learn More ]

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