In the Formly FAQ where we detailed how to create a subscription form, we introduced the concept of placeholders, or those pieces of text that are dynamically replaced with another piece of text when an email is sent. This simple feature allows you to use templated designs with dynamic user content. While the amount of content you may replace or add to emails is significant, this FAQ will details those placeholders that are available in emails sent to a client as part of the First of Second Email, or those notifications sent to a business. The email and SMS placeholders are extensive so only the most common are listed below.
The process of creating forms and assigning specific form automation is detailed in an FAQ titled How to Create a Website Lead Form and Assign Automation. Other FAQs details how to create custom email templates and SMS Templates. The process is simple and intuitive, although there are subtle differences between those placeholders in notification email and standard emails sent via the Email Marketing module and SMS Module.
Notification Placeholder Review
Following are the primary (incomplete) notification email and SMS placeholders.
- %%website%%
- %%page_id%%
- %%page_title%%
User Attributes
- %%first_name%%
- %%last_name%%
- %%full_name%%
- %%mobile%%
- %%phone%%
- %%email%%
- %%message%%
Calendar Bookings
- %%calendardate%%
- %%calendardate_long%%
- %%date%%
- %%calendartime%%
- %%time%%
- %%day%%
- %%start%%
- %%end%%
- %%iso_start%%
- %%iso_end%%
- %%tz%%
- %%timestamp%%
Resolved Geography
- %%ip_address%%
- %%state%%
- %%country%%
- %%continent%%
Special Placeholders
- %%is_booking%%
- %%verification%%
- %%bmuid_id%%
- %%bmsid_id%%
- %%bmuv_id%%
- %%unique_id%%
We'll now look at how the placeholders are used.
Placeholders in the WYSIWYG Editor
You do not have to remember placeholders as they're shown in the standard email and SMS editor. Simply click on the placeholder and it is placed into the message container.
Pictured: You do not have to remember placeholders as they're shown in the standard email and SMS editor. Simply click on the placeholder and it is placed into the message container.
Sensible use of placeholders should apply. Don't use placeholders if 'replacement' information isn't available.
Email and SMS Placeholders [ Explained ]
The Email Marketing Placeholders are shared with the SMS Module, so any example shown below as it relates to email is the same process used when creating SMS Templates. The primary Email Marketing system works a little differently, and while there's significant overlap in placeholder availability, some are not available (such as booking times), while there's other 'behavioural' or 'geographic' content that can be applied to 'general' email campaigns.
A Notification Email is one sent as part of the early subscription, so the First or Second Email (or SMS). It also includes those emails and SMS messages that are generated for delivery to you. A non-exhaustive list of those placeholders are detailed below.
will be replaced with the domain from where the form was submitted, such as
. %%page_id%%' and %%page_title%%
returns the Page ID and Title of the page where the form was submitted.
, %%first_name%%'
(primary), %%lastname%%', %%last_name%% (primary), and %%full_name%%
work as you would expect. Even if a full name is submitted via a 'First Name' field, it will be resolved to name parts. For most website leadgen campaigns you will use only the first name.
, %%phone%%
, %%email%%
, and %%message%%
will return user submitted details as you would expect. The %%message%%
is returned only when the form is part of a contact form, or when the contact panel is included in a standard form (usually below the toggle if not used on a standard contact page).
The calendar options usually comprise of just the Date, Day, and Time, although various alternatives may apply.
- Saturday 8th February
- Saturday 8th February 2025
- 8th February
- 7:00am - 7:30am
- 7:00am - 7:30am
- Saturday
- 7:00am
- 7:30am
- 2025-02-08T07:00:00.0000000
- 2025-02-08T07:30:00.0000000
- AUS Eastern Standard Time
(Microsoft Timezone).
- 1738998000
(UNIX Timestamp).
The following placeholders return the resolved geogrpahy of the user,
There are a number of placeholders that are used that'll be replaced with content, one of which is %%verification%%
- relevant to email and SMS verification messages. Used in an email the placeholder will be replaced with a a URL, and used in an SMS it'll be replaced with a code.
THere are a large number of administrative placeholders that might be used if you're engaging with higher-end analytics. The following placeholders normally wouldn't be used and can be ignored in almost all cases.
- BM User ID
- Session ID
- Unique View ID
- Unique ID (associated with the page view)
If no broker notification is created, we'll generally send you the details. There are over a dozen ways to be notified of new leads and it is your responsibility to ensure that at least one of them is active.
Placeholders may be used in titles and content.
■ ■ ■
Related Form FAQs
Your website includes the most comprehensive form system in the industry. Some of the form features are listed below.
Your website includes a very large number of methods to include different types of headings, including Titles and Statements (both of which serve a specific purpose), with other shortcode and Elementor tools making the addition of various 'headings' a piece of cake. While there are any number of ways to generate page titles,… [ Learn More ]
The Fact Find form on your website contains only a few questions, and the questions asked are used to determine LVR and LMI so a PDF Report may immediately be sent to the user. During the top-of-funnel subscription process, no question should be asked, no mouse movement or scroll should be required, and no action… [ Learn More ]
In the Formly FAQ where we detailed how to create a subscription form, we introduced the concept of placeholders, or those pieces of text that are dynamically replaced with another piece of text when an email is sent. This simple feature allows you to use templated designs with dynamic user content. While the amount of… [ Learn More ]
The nonconforming business finance form was created for a single client, although it'll be made available to those that they may partner with in some way, and a 'version' of this form will be made available in the standard plugin (and client website). The form comes at a time when a very large number of… [ Learn More ]
The version release of the Yabber website plugin includes a new for field that accepts an ABN or Company Name and returns a list of matching results. Included by default in various ways in the 202410 version of the website framework, and integrated directly into our Formly Module, the tool should be used when… [ Learn More ]
This FAQ will show you how to validate the mobile phone number associated with any subscription form on your website. If the feature is enabled, a user will be required to enter a 4-digit code that is immediately sent to the supplied mobile number. Once the correct number is supplied, the form will immediately submit… [ Learn More ]
One of the marketing magnets any Property or Finance operation will use to engage organic traffic and convert warmer traffic in higher numbers is the inclusion of a Property Report form that will result in a report provided to the user. This FAQ will introduce the Property Report and how it is applied on pages… [ Learn More ]
In most cases, the idea with any 'cold' form is to render as few fields as possible and only ask what is absolutely necessary to attract a user into your funnel. Certainly, if a user has ever subscribed to a form and comes back to your website, those fields that are known, such as name… [ Learn More ]
There are times when you would like a form to take shape as a single line. This may be useful in a website footer, inline in content, or in other locations, and the format is very different to the default line-by-line format that is applied by default for vertical forms and Simple Panels
.… [ Learn More ]
The First Email is an action that will conditionally send the first email to a user after a subscription of any type based on their form interaction. The First Email sent to a user will be determined based on the nature of their subscription - are they a subscriber, phone contact, or calendar booking? A… [ Learn More ]
A Conditional Redirect is simply an action that will send a user to a different second page after subscribing to a form. The second page shown to a user will be determined based on the nature of their subscription - are they a subscriber, phone contact, or calendar booking? A single page may be used… [ Learn More ]
Your website supports a large number of our own in-house search tools that exist outside of the standard WordPress framework. This FAQ will introduce the 'BM Website Basic Search' search facility onto your website with shortcode or with the Elementor widget. Searching any website can be a nuisance, and the experience is one that can… [ Learn More ]
In a previous FAQ we looked at how to include an address validation field into a form on your website. This FAQ will introduce the same style of field that will automatically direct the user to the single page associated with each registered address in Australia. This feature is part of the broader Property… [ Learn More ]
Version of the Yabber Website Plugin in company with website framework 202406 updates includes a basic Emergency Services search engine. The search engine will return various services based on suburb and/or postcode and then redirect the user to a dedicated page. The feature is available with a shortcode and Elementor widget - this FAQ… [ Learn More ]
The Property Property Streets API, and the Validation Endpoint in particular, is a means to access registered street and registered address location from Yabber via a form input field. The Validation (or Autocomplete) endpoints are useful for searching property on user keystrokes. The validation may be used to ensure pinpoint accuracy is assured by way… [ Learn More ]
In an FAQ titled "How to Create and Manage Website Simple Panels in Yabber" we looked at how to create Simple Panels, with the panel providing the side-by-side form and lead magnet (image or video). This FAQ will look at the various options to place the Simple Panels on your website.
A simple panel is simply a two-column form. On the left side we have a form, and on the right side we have an image or video. As you're aware, we espouse the every-page conversion methodology, and this requires a high-value and relevant lead magnet (or 'offer') on every single page of your website. Every… [ Learn More ]
Forma And Panel escalation is a component of the large Conditional Content framework that underpins your mortgage broker website and finance funnels. Basic conditional content features are introduced in an FAQ titled The Basics of Conditional Content and Interest Types, while advanced methods are addressed individually. One of the simplest conditional options to employ… [ Learn More ]
Your website forms made available in Yabber and on your website are one of the most important marketing assets in your toolkit. They're the conduit that connects your website to Yabber and triggers the applicable automation schedules, logs the lead or prospect, and provides you with relevant notifications. Integration is made with various CRM systems,… [ Learn More ]
Your website's Referral Form is a dedicated resource with its own features and automation schedule. Managed via Yabber and an Elementor block or shortcode, it may be applied anywhere on your website. It is expected that the form will be integral to your formalised referral, partner, and EDGE post-settlement/repricing programs. You will find the 'Referral… [ Learn More ]
Every page of your website requires either a form or simple panel - we know this. This FAQ will details how to assign your created forms and panels to various 'hooked' locations on your website, and how to create Custom Locations anywhere on your website with Elementor (or WordPress shortcode). Assigning forms to various locations… [ Learn More ]
A Simple Panel is a form and 'something' alongside it, such as an image or video. In this FAQ we will look at how to change the Simple Panel as shown on the front page of your website.
Navigate your way to Yabber's 'Front Page' module… [ Learn More ]Email Marketing Module FAQs
FAQs related to the Email Marketing module.
In a previous FAQ we look at the various parameters that could be passed in a URL for the purpose of tracking links. While all URL parameters are tracked in some way, those listed are considered primary within the Xena Analytics module in that they are intrinsically linked to the Triggerly module. One of… [ Learn More ]
UTM and Tracking tags are applied in a URL for the purpose of tracking links and campaigns sources. This FAQ will not take a deep dive into what URL tracking parameters are or how they're used. Instead, we'll primarily look at supported Yabber tracking tags (the word 'supported' is somewhat of a misnomer because all… [ Learn More ]
In the Formly FAQ where we detailed how to create a subscription form, we introduced the concept of placeholders, or those pieces of text that are dynamically replaced with another piece of text when an email is sent. This simple feature allows you to use templated designs with dynamic user content. While the amount of… [ Learn More ]
Microsoft Contact Folders aren't as relevant as they once were, and the 'new' (2024) versions of Outlook will categorise contacts with 'Categories' rather than folders, although folders are still made available even if they're not part of the standard Outlook interface. Yabber will still require that a contact folder be applied from time-to-time, although they're… [ Learn More ]
Calendars play an important role on your website and in Yabber. They are used for form-related functions, social media, events, and general scheduling. While Yabber makes an attempt to keep your calendars up-to-date, there will occasionally be a need to create or update a calendar, synchronise a calendar, or delete a calendar. This FAQ describes… [ Learn More ]
In various FAQs we introduce the concept of a 'Dynamic Email Signature', or a signature that references engaging up-to-date information of a specific type. We know that every touchpoint should create engagement of some type, and email is used daily so it stands to reason that we'll use the tool to manufacture various pathways. The… [ Learn More ]
One of the features of Yabber that is less visible than others is the lender rate email signature. The signature is an image that may be used in an email signature to return the lowest rate of a specific type. Yabber provides links to the direct image and will also create a HTML link for… [ Learn More ]
The facility to add an email or any other type of subscriber to a Microsoft Contact folder was introduced in the FAQ on creating a form. The purpose of adding a contact to segregated Microsoft Outlook contact folder is more than just 'providing a backup' as many see it. The lists are used when… [ Learn More ]
When a user unsubscribes from an email marketing campaign, we have the option to redirect them to a single default landing page, or a specific landing page that'll try and resubscribe the user back into the same or another list. We go to great lengths to attract a potential client, so we must provide a… [ Learn More ]
Email filtering is part of the Forms module. When creating a form you are presented with an option to define a large number of "What are you Interested in?" options. These options might include 'First Home Buyer', 'Refinancing', 'Renovating My Home', 'Investment Finance', and so on. A user may select any of these options when… [ Learn More ]
When you are first assigned a Yabber subscription, there are no Mailing Lists or forms created. However, before you create your first list you have the option of creating a large number of default email lists. If we set up Yabber for you, this is our default action. If you set up your own account… [ Learn More ]
Before email and calendar tools may be used, we generally have to define our default email and calendar for various facilities. This action is normally completed by us during the setup, but if you're doing it yourself, or you are required to alter values, this FAQ will guide you through the process. It will only… [ Learn More ]
An Admin Email is an email that is referenced within other areas of Yabber, such as EDGE, Fact Find Reports, Referrals, and Triggers. Instead of creating a single email, we create the email as a template that we may use from multiple locations, meaning that if an update to the message is required, it need… [ Learn More ]
As described in our FAQ detailing the Email Marketing Module, one of the benefits of using the Microsoft 365 integration is complete ownership of all your email with a single source of sending and management. All email sent from Yabber will optionally be added to your MS365 'Sent Items' folder. To include or exclude… [ Learn More ]
Whenever an email is created in Yabber that is associated with general email marketing or automated emails (admin, autoresponders etc.), an email signature is selected from a Library of signatures. This means that when a change to your signature is required, the change will be globally applied whenever that email signature is referenced. In some… [ Learn More ]
SMS Marketing FAQs
The SMS Marketing module is quite large and includes dozens of features. Review additional functionality below.
In the Formly FAQ where we detailed how to create a subscription form, we introduced the concept of placeholders, or those pieces of text that are dynamically replaced with another piece of text when an email is sent. This simple feature allows you to use templated designs with dynamic user content. While the amount of… [ Learn More ]
In a previous FAQ titled "How to Add and Manage Partners in the Partner Module" we looked at how to create and manage Partners, all of which were assigned a primary 'folder' and multiple partner categories. In this article we'll look at how to send a text message to these partner groups. The SMS… [ Learn More ]
In a previous FAQ titled "How to Create an Email and SMS Marketing List, and How to Add a Subscriber" we looked at how to create an SMS Marketing List. A Marketing List may be a group of recipients in a dedicated 'List', or they might be a number of CRM contacts that share… [ Learn More ]
Sending an SMS message on the basis of VoIP callers is an advanced feature that allows you to send a text message to those that have called your business on specific numbers. The system is usually reserved for those cases where multiple inbound numbers are used for specific types of campaigns. The system is one… [ Learn More ]
The standard SMS module will provide a facility to generate virtual mobile phone numbers when required. As described in the FAQ on 'SMS Settings', this is mildly problematic as replies are not sent to you directly; rather, the replies are sent via email. The benefit of this system is that the records are maintained in… [ Learn More ]
This FAQ will detail how to manage the numbers and reporting associated with the SMS module. It is assumed that you will have your own Telstra Application created with the applicable application keys copied into Yabber. Details on this process are detailed in an FAQ titled "Creating a Telstra SMS Application". This FAQ details… [ Learn More ]
This FAQ will show you how to validate the mobile phone number associated with any subscription form on your website. If the feature is enabled, a user will be required to enter a 4-digit code that is immediately sent to the supplied mobile number. Once the correct number is supplied, the form will immediately submit… [ Learn More ]
A voicedrop is a small audio recording that is attached to an outgoing text or email. Used in the Funnel, this FAQ will details how to create and manage voicedrops. We will also touch on those modules that might optionally include the the voicedrop recording. The system we're describing in this FAQ are for the… [ Learn More ]
Microsoft Contact Folders aren't as relevant as they once were, and the 'new' (2024) versions of Outlook will categorise contacts with 'Categories' rather than folders, although folders are still made available even if they're not part of the standard Outlook interface. Yabber will still require that a contact folder be applied from time-to-time, although they're… [ Learn More ]
SMS Subscription forms may be used in any number of ways, but the primary purpose is to support text message alerts for various types of property opportunities. When the form was first introduced, the form was part of our supporting partner modules, but more and more brokers are becoming affiliate directly with property groups, and… [ Learn More ]
This FAQ will show you how to send a single SMS text message in Yabber. Note that there are more effective ways of sending a single real-time message, such as connecting your mobile phone to your PC. Each text message incurs a cost, so outside of targeted group text campaigns, sending single messages should… [ Learn More ]
An SMS Template will permit you to create an SMS message that is referenced within other areas of Yabber, such as EDGE, Fact Find Reports, Referral Forms, and Triggers. Instead of creating a single SMS, we create the text message as a template that we may use from multiple locations, meaning that if an update… [ Learn More ]