One of the most recent of our examples of automation is by way of the Enternetics Twitter account. Enternetics is an account we built to demonstrate some customized automation that will invariably drive social engagement if used in conjunction with genuine usage. We're sending the same images to Facebook as a means of demonstrating the same feature on a more active platform.
Note, 4th November 2020: In the 2020 election-bot blitz our automated account was one that was caught up with the massive array of accounts that were suspended. We're in the process of reactivating those accounts that were caught up with the indiscriminate action.
The image and text sent to Twitter is completely automated. Reading from a database of movie quotes and facts, we determine an appropriate background image and then overlay whatever text is required before it's sent.
Standalone Twitter or other accounts that have little or no genuine human interaction are quite capable of attracting a large number of followers, but it's almost always best to use it to supplement your own activity. Used sparingly - say, two or three times a day - automation is an excellent means of maintaining a consistent presence when you don't have the time to constantly monitor and post to your array of social platforms.
While we make a large number of populated databases to our clients (including the entertainment quotes and facts), we urge our partners to select appropriate material that's consistent with their brand.