Most of Belief's applications use the Microsoft Graph API to send email or interact with your Office data in other ways. However, there are times - such as our email marketing platform - where SMTP details are required.
SMTP Host:
SMTP Port: 587
SSL Protocol: OFF
TLS Protocol: ON
SMTP Username: (Office 365 Username)
SMTP Password: (Office 365 Password)
Microsoft security policies will reject sending emails if the From name is an email address or is anything other than your full display name. For example, if your O365 name is JOhn Smith and you enter John Doe, it will be rejected.
To fetch mail from Office365 server enter these details:
POP3 Host:
POP3 Port: 995
TLS Protocol: ON
POP3 Username: (Office 365 Username)
POP3 Password: (Office 365 Password)
To fetch mail from Office365 server using IMAP protocol use the following:
IMAP Host:
IMAP Port: 993
Encryption: SSL
IMAP Username: (Office 365 Username)
IMAP Password: (Office 365 Password)
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Clients should refer to [BG|MG]0301 for full details.