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BeLearn is Now Migrated to our FAQ Module

BeLearn is Now Migrated to our FAQ Module

BeLearn was and remains a series of lessons designed to introduce clients to technology we make available on our website framework, instructions on how to create compelling campaigns, how to use various modules in Yabber, and how to implement various programs, such as our Partner, Referrer, Facebook, and other campaigns. The BeLearn resource was previously made available in Yabber, but early last year we made the decision to migrate the pages onto our own website via the FAQ Module, This article will introduce the new BeLearn FAQ module.

At the time of writing we've only migrated around 250 articles (with about 500 in draft), but we expect around 1200 FAQs in total before we've covered the necessary core features and program details. For that reason, the Yabber-based BeLearn remains - albeit out-of-date - until the migration is complete. Making the majority of information public will also give interested parties access to the resources that will help them make better-informed decisions when implementing their marketing, or before investing in our services.

FAQ Module: You may access the FAQ module via the primary menu link. The FAQ module itself is quite extensive, and there's a number of FAQs that details how the actual FAQ module may be used. At the time of writing we're yet to include video, and we'll likely start to index and categorise the individual Yabber modules once we've loaded the first 500 or so articles.

A large number of privileged pages will be password protected using the same authentication methods that clients will use to manage their own client dashboard or partner module, so a login prompt will occasionally be shown before protected information is returned. Generally speaking, we're using the same tools that are availed to our own clients, although its' worth noting that clients will very rarely hide their own FAQ content but instead password protect only that content made available in their various dashboards.

  Why a Migration from Formal Training Formats?

We've had a long history with implementing formal Learning Management Systems (LMS) into various training environments. In the aviation sector, we've introduced LMS systems for a number of general aviation companies, and we built (and managed) the LMS for Virgin Australia, Virgin America, JetBlue, and others. In the finance environment, were called upon to consult from time-to-time, and we've built and managed systems for a number of organisations - including the likes of Westpac. We've also custom built LMS systems for other larger organisations for internal training, and it's one of those specialties that we've managed via our parent company, Y. Given Domenico was a Director with Oracle for a number of years, we have rare internal expertise in their broad product suites (including eLearn), but we've mainly built proprietary systems based on individual company requirements.

Given our expertise in building, consulting, and auditing LMS systems, why would we migrate our former (high-functioning) BeLearn into a static FAQ module?

The answer is a simple one: we don't provide format certifications, and nor do we require any client engage with any of the content we manufacture. While some of our programs are grouped into modules (comprising of a number of pages), they're for information-purposes only, and merely designed to support broker efforts. Any formal education facility simply overcomplicated the support we provide.

Apart from the benefits of making the BeLearn content public, utilising the website FAQ module allows us to demonstrate the vast capabilities of our proprietary and fully-integrated FAQ solutions. There's multiple ways in which the FAQ content may be used or returned to users, and we expect to make use of them all.

  What About Business-Based Competency-Based Training (CBT)?

Whenever we're required to deliver CBT of any type (usually requiring quizzes, exams, competence assessment, and clear progression), those programs will continue to be provided via a more format system. Again, the basic resources made available in BeLearn does not require this level of oversight.

Those programs required for any mentor will continue to be delivered via a competency-based facility. The general tech and facilities availed to the market for the purpose of developing brokers is quite poor, and we've not seen a systems (outside of our own) that provides a clear framework to ensure brokers are developed according to a clearly defined practical and theoretical syllabus. Our mentoring product will be detached from our website framework (since it's not required by all businesses) and will instead be applied into a standalone plugin that provides website access to the required system.

Broker Mentee Training: There are very few brokers that would assign a great deal of value to the quality of training provided by the majority of mentors. The mentoring model is free from industry oversight, standards, or a format syllabus of training, and the quality of clear competence-based education is simply lacking. Further, the training provided to mentors is poor, and there's no requirement for any formal teaching, coaching, or training qualifications. Certainly, when we propose mentors use a platform to track mentee progress, the concept is often once that is entirely foreign. If Best Interest Duty is something to be taken seriously, we should ensure that industry brokers are actually able to actually act in the best interest of borrowers, and this requires the highest level of training (partly to compensate for the diluted requirements of the week-long industry qualifications). Measured against other industries, mortgage broker training is exceptionally bad. The issue of broker training and professional development is one that is outside the scope of a simple introduction to our BeLearn FAQs, but we'll revisit the issue sometime in the future.

When format courses are required for internal or consumer-facing purposes, we'll make the technology available to you.

  Moving Forward

We've used our blog to introduce features and tutorials in the past, and while some of that will continue, most of the pedestrian technology will be detailed in the FAQ module. Bigger-ticket features, such as website property widgets and auto finance widgets, will be introduced via a more formal article, but the 'how-to' components will be available in the FAQ module.

We may introduce another website module for our NOTACs (NOTices to Active Clients) which will replace email and occasional videos. We're introducing a number of changes in 2025, so how we'll structure additional client-facing operational communication is still very much an unknown.

  Featured Image: Teacher and children in a classroom. c.1890-1900: Male teacher standing next to a blackboard in front of a class, children seated along long bench with desks; maps and papers on wall in background. Probably shows the interior of Beaconsfield school (No. 3033). Photographer: Michael J Drew Country school / rural school. Source: State Library of Victoria. [ View Image ]

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