Trace Fee (Event), Amount: 20.0000. Additional Information: Charged for each request to perform a trace on any transaction type
Replacement Of Online Banking Security Credential (Event), Amount: 50.0000. Additional Information: Charged for each replacement Online Banking security credential issued
Transaction Fee (international) (Event), Amount: 30.0000. Additional Information: Payable when you transfer money to a Beneficiary with a bank account held at an overseas financial institution or Foreign Currency transfer to an australian financial institution.
Transaction Fee Real Time Gross Settlement (rtgs) - Which Is A Same Day Payment Request (Event), Amount: 30.0000. Additional Information: Payable for each Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) transaction
Dishonour Fee (Event), Amount: 45.0000. Additional Information: Charged if there is insufficent cleared funds available to cover the value of a direct debit being processed
Limitations & Restrictions (Constraints)
Opening Balance of 10000.0000000000 Additional Information: While we have the discretion to determine deposit size, we usually accept a minimum deposit of AUD 10,000.00