Pay Only The Interest On The Principle Amount During The Term Of This Loan. Ideal If You're Looking For Bridging Finance Once You've Purchased A New Home And Are Awaiting The Sale Of Your Existing Home.
Category: Home Loans Last Updated December 13, 2024 Effective December 18, 2024
General Lending Rates
Rates listed below are for a VARIABLE Owner Occupied Interest Only product. Additional Information Reference Rate Provided And Subject To Assessment Of Application For Credit, With Interest Rate Being Offered Upon Approval
Interest Rate 7.54% PA
Comparison Rate 7.61%PA*
Product rates will vary depending upon your financial position< LVR, and other criteria. The product may also vary depending upon the rate type, repayment type, or loan purpose. We encourage you to contact us for a full understanding of the product and terms.
Product Features
Digital BankingAdditional Information: 24/7 Banking And Instant Access To Your Accounts Via Laptop, Tablet Or Smartphone
Loyalty ProgramAdditional Information: "Relationship Rewards" - Providing You The Opportunity For Fee-Free Banking
OtherAdditional Information: No Monthly Account Keeping Fees
OtherAdditional Information: No Loan Service Fees
OtherAdditional Information: No Penalties For Additional Repayments
OtherAdditional Information: No Penalties For Early Payouts
Unlimited TxnsAdditional Information: "Relationship Rewards" - Providing You The Opportunity For Fee-Free Banking
Product Eligibility
BusinessAdditional Information: Self Employed Members and Business Owners Are Eligible
Employment Status - Full Time, Part Time, Casual Etc.. Additional Information: Employed Members Are Eligible
Min Age - 18.
OtherAdditional Information: Subject To Eligibility For Credit Via Loan Application Assessment
Pension RecipientAdditional Information: Centrelink Recipients And Self-Funded Retirees Are Eligible
Residency Status - Australian Citizens Or Permanent Residents. Additional Information: Residents Of Australia Are Eligible
StaffAdditional Information: Staff Are Eligible
StudentAdditional Information: Student Members Are Eligible
Bank Fees and Charges
Discharge Of Mortgage Fee (Event), Amount: 500.52.