Convert Between RGB and CMYK Color Values with PHP
The CMYK color model is a subtractive color model used in color press printing. CMYK refers to the four inks used in some color printing:
The CMYK color model is a subtractive color model used in color press printing. CMYK refers to the four inks used in some color printing:
Finding the root domain name (or a top level domain, TLD) from a URL is challenging. Literature on the web generally leans towards a library that’ll find the root domain by way of comparing the URL against all approved top level domains … but this method introduces a degree of complexity that we wanted to avoid. The following function is one that we use to find a domain name root. It isn’t perfect, but it’s close.
The large number of string, random, and hashing functions make it easy to generate a random string with PHP. This article, partially migrated from Internoetics,
The CIE XYZ color model (created in 1931) is a ‘device-independent’ colour space in which each primary colour (X,Y,Z) is always constant, unlike RGB model
I went to a small Google developer day a few years back where the focus was clear: mobile design. Head designers from the Sydney office
The RGB model of visualising color can be problematic on the web because of the nature in which the values are mixed. Not unlike mixing
On a member-based site we operate we put a limit on the size of a directory before additional credit is required. The following function will recursively look through an entire directory and return a filesize. While the value returned is in bytes, you can alter it into a human readable string by using the first function from this article (“Return a Readable Filesize with PHP”).
If you find yourself with the need to re-index an array so the first element has a key of 1 (rather than 0), the following function may come in useful. The function certainly isn’t required… it’s just that we were repeatedly applying the code in a project, so it made sense.
If you searched this website for “Jennifer L.awrence” (prior to this post), the search would have redirected you to the only page on this site
The PHP functions on this page will permit you to convert hexadecimal values to their RGB value, or vice versa. Both the Hexadecimal and RGB
PHP’s function will do as described: get the size of a file in bytes. However, it’s usually necessary to convert that returned value into something
A time server is a computer server that reads the precise time from a reference and distributes this information to various clients. The most widely